Vocabulary for TOEFL iBT
WORD LIST 153 obfuscate (ob·'fus·kayt) v. 1. to make obscure or unclear, to muddle or make difficult to understand. 2. to dim or ...
154 VOCABULARY FOR TOEFL iBT omniscient (om·'nish·e ̆nt) adj. having infinite knowledge; knowing all things. In a story with an ...
WORD LIST 155 paradigm ('par·a ̆·d ̄m) n. 1. something that serves as a model or example. set of assumptions, beliefs, values ...
156 VOCABULARY FOR TOEFL iBT penchant ('pen·cha ̆nt) n. a strong liking or inclination (for something). Consuela has a penchant ...
WORD LIST 157 petulant ('pech·u ̆·la ̆nt) adj. peevish; unreasonably or easily irritated or annoyed. The pouting and sulking chi ...
158 VOCABULARY FOR TOEFL iBT poseur (poh·'zur) n. someone who takes on airs to impress others; a phony. My first impression of t ...
WORD LIST 159 prosaic (proh·'zay·ik) adj. unimaginative, ordinary, dull. The prosaic novel was rejected by the publisher. proscr ...
160 VOCABULARY FOR TOEFL iBT purge (purj) v. to free from impurities, especially to rid of that which is undesir- able or harmfu ...
WORD LIST 161 R rakish ('ray·kish) adj. 1. debonair, smartly dressed or mannered, jaunty in appearance or manner. 2. unconventio ...
162 VOCABULARY FOR TOEFL iBT remonstrate (ri·'mon·strayt) v. 1. to say or plead in protest, objection, or oppo- sition. 2. to sc ...
WORD LIST 163 rescind (ri·'sind) v. to repeal or cancel; to void or annul. The Olsens rescinded their offer to buy the house whe ...
164 VOCABULARY FOR TOEFL iBT salutary ('sal·yu ̆·ter·ee) adj. producing a beneficial or wholesome effect; reme- dial. To promote ...
WORD LIST 165 sedulous ('sej·u ̆·lu ̆s) adj. diligent, persevering, hard working. After years of sedu- lous research, the resear ...
166 VOCABULARY FOR TOEFL iBT sordid ('sor·did) adj. 1. dirty, wretched, squalid. 2. morally degraded. This sordid establishment ...
WORD LIST 167 succor ('suk·o ̆r) n. assistance or relief in time of difficulty or distress. v. to pro- vide assistance or relief ...
168 VOCABULARY FOR TOEFL iBT tangential (tan·'jen·sha ̆l) adj. 1. only superficially relevant; of no substantive connection. 2. ...
WORD LIST 169 tirade ('t ̄·rayd) n. a long, angry, often highly critical speech; a violent denuncia- tion or condemnation. Sinc ...
170 VOCABULARY FOR TOEFL iBT turpitude ('tur·pi·tood) n. 1. wickedness. 2. a corrupt or depraved act. Such turpitude deserves th ...
WORD LIST 171 vehement ('vee·e ̆·me ̆nt) adj. 1. characterized by extreme intensity of emotion or forcefulness of expression or ...
172 VOCABULARY FOR TOEFL iBT volatile ('vol·a ̆·til) adj. 1. varying widely, inconstant, changeable, fickle. unstable, explosiv ...
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