Vocabulary for TOEFL iBT
PRACTICE TEST 2 113 19. d. Trite means repeated too often, overly familiar through overuse. The key context clue is the phrase “ ...
114 VOCABULARY FOR TOEFL iBT 35. c. The root bel means war. The ending -ent is an adjective suffix meaning in a state or conditi ...
PRACTICE TEST 2 115 49. raze. To raze is (1) to level to the ground, demolish completely; (2) to erase, obliterate. This sentenc ...
116 VOCABULARY FOR TOEFL iBT 67. b. The key element in this word is the root belli, which means warlike. The synonym choices— ho ...
B y now you’ve seen that a good working vocabulary is a very important asset when taking the TOEFL iBT. Remember that the best w ...
118 VOCABULARY FOR TOEFL iBT If you have only 30 days until the test day, you can learn 300 new words, by studying only ten new ...
WORD LIST 119 WORD LIST A abate (a ̆·'bayt) v. to lessen in strength, intensity, or degree; subside. As the violent storm abated ...
120 VOCABULARY FOR TOEFL iBT accretion (a ̆·'kree·sho ̆n) n. 1. growth or increase by gradual, successive addition; building up. ...
WORD LIST 121 allay (a ̆·'lay) v. 1. to reduce the intensity of, alleviate. 2. to calm, put to rest. The remarks by the CEO did ...
122 VOCABULARY FOR TOEFL iBT antecedent (an·ti·'see·de ̆nt) n. that which precedes; the thing, circumstance, event that came bef ...
WORD LIST 123 approbation (ap·ro ̆·'bay·sho ̆n) n. approval. The local authorities issued an approba- tion to close the street f ...
124 VOCABULARY FOR TOEFL iBT assay (a ̆·'say) v. 1. to try, put to a test. 2. to examine. 3. to judge critically, evalu- ate aft ...
WORD LIST 125 lowed the same routine every morning, Natasha made coffee, cooked breakfast, and made her children’s lunch like an ...
126 VOCABULARY FOR TOEFL iBT belligerent (bi·'lij·e ̆r·e ̆nt) adj. hostile and aggressive, showing an eagerness to fight. Becaus ...
WORD LIST 127 bombastic (bom·'bas·tik) adj. speaking pompously, with inflated self- importance. Ahmed was shocked that a renowne ...
128 VOCABULARY FOR TOEFL iBT cadge (kaj) v. to beg, to obtain by begging. Their dog Cleo would cadge at my feet, hoping I would ...
WORD LIST 129 censure ('sen·shu ̆r) n. expression of strong criticism or disapproval; a rebuke or condemnation. v. to criticize ...
130 VOCABULARY FOR TOEFL iBT coalesce (koh·a ̆·'les) v. to combine and form a whole; to join together, fuse. Jay and Jael coales ...
WORD LIST 131 cornucopia (kor·nyu ̆·'koh·pi·a ̆) n. abundance; a horn of plenty. The first-graders made cornucopias for Thanksgi ...
132 VOCABULARY FOR TOEFL iBT debut (day·'byoo) n. a first appearance in or presentation to the public. v. to make a first appear ...
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