Vocabulary for TOEFL iBT
WORD LIST 133 derisive (di·'r ̄·siv) adj. scornful, expressing ridicule; mocking, jeering. In order to promote freedom of expre ...
134 VOCABULARY FOR TOEFL iBT disconcert (dis·ko ̆n·'surt) v. 1. to upset the composure of, ruffle. 2. to frustrate plans by thro ...
WORD LIST 135 dormant ('dor·ma ̆nt) adj. 1. lying asleep or as if asleep, inactive, at rest. inactive but capable of becoming a ...
136 VOCABULARY FOR TOEFL iBT edifying ('ed· ̆·f ̄·in) adj. enlightening or uplifting with the aim of improving intellectual o ...
WORD LIST 137 chairperson proudly announced that the keynote speaker at the animal rights conven- tion would be the eminent prim ...
138 VOCABULARY FOR TOEFL iBT epiphany (i·'pif·a ̆·nee) n. 1. a sudden, intuitive realization of the essence or meaning of someth ...
WORD LIST 139 evanescent (ev·a ̆·'nes·e ̆nt) adj. vanishing or tending to vanish like vapor; transi- tory, fleeting. The subject ...
140 VOCABULARY FOR TOEFL iBT fallacy ('fal·a ̆·see) n. 1. a false notion or misconception resulting from incorrect or illogical ...
WORD LIST 141 forestall (fohr·'stawl) v. to prevent by taking action first, preempt. The diplomat was able to forestall a confli ...
142 VOCABULARY FOR TOEFL iBT garrulous ('ar·u ̆·lu ̆s) adj. talkative. Aunt Midge is as garrulous as they come, so be prepared ...
WORD LIST 143 harangue (ha ̆·'ran) n. a long, often scolding or bombastic speech; a tirade. v. to speak in a pompous maner; to ...
144 VOCABULARY FOR TOEFL iBT imbroglio (im·'brohl·yoh) n. a confused or difficult situation, usually involving a disagreement or ...
WORD LIST 145 impudent ('im·pyu ̆·de ̆nt) adj. 1. boldly showing a lack of respect, insolent. shamelessly forward, immodest. Th ...
146 VOCABULARY FOR TOEFL iBT indefatigable (in·di·'fat· ̆·a ̆·be ̆l) adj. not easily exhausted or fatigued; tireless. The volu ...
WORD LIST 147 intractable (in·'trak·ta ̆·be ̆l) adj. unmanageable, unruly, stubborn. The young colt was intractable, and trainin ...
148 VOCABULARY FOR TOEFL iBT jocund ('jok·u ̆nd) adj. merry, cheerful; sprightly and lighthearted. Alexi’s jocund nature makes i ...
WORD LIST 149 lilliputian (lil·i·'pyoo·sha ̆n) adj. 1. very small, tiny. 2. trivial or petty. My troubles are lilliputian compar ...
150 VOCABULARY FOR TOEFL iBT malleable ('mal·ee·a ̆·be ̆l) adj. 1. easily molded or pressed into shape. 2. easily controlled or ...
WORD LIST 151 mince (mins) v. 1. to cut into very small pieces. 2. to walk or speak affectedly, as with studied refinement. 3. t ...
152 VOCABULARY FOR TOEFL iBT N nadir ('nay·d ̆r) n. the very bottom, the lowest point. When he felt he was at the nadir of his ...
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