109 Sentence 4.8: Buggsy believed that he was a handsome dog of a man. (Reed-Kellogg diagram) ...
110 Sentence 4.6: Fred is a good friend. (Tree diagram) Sentence 4.7: Running is good exercise. (Tree diagram) ...
PHRASE STRUCTURE GRAMMAR 111 VPÆV (NP) (AdjP) (PP) The only thing we have to keep in mind with these rules is that, for indirect ...
Now consider sentence 10, which is an example of an indirect object in the form of a prepositional phrase. Compare its associate ...
Prepositional Phrases Prepositional phrases (PP) are interesting structures because they are so versa- tile. They can function a ...
those who follow the MLA and the APA conventions, on the other hand, do put the comma before the conjunction. With regard to pre ...
115 Sentence 4.16: Fred built the bench in the garage. ...
116 Sentence 4.17: Macarena put the shoes in the box in the closet. ...
structures. It is called theCoordinate XPrule, where X is a variable identifying any element, such as noun or verb, and P is phr ...
exactly the same way as we saw earlier, but rather than repeating phrases, the rule repeats sentences. Consider sentence 20: A ...
PHRASE STRUCTURE GRAMMAR 119 Sentence 20: A goon shot the ATM, so Buggsy made an easy withdrawal. ...
APPLYING KEY IDEAS Directions: Draw tree diagrams for the following sentences. In the case of am- biguous sentences, disambiguat ...
One of the beauties of phrase-structure grammar is its versatility. Earlier, we modified our VP rule because we know that we hav ...
Mood. Although we won’t examine this point in grammatical detail, verb phrases include a feature of verbs known asmood.Mood indi ...
well as the independent clause. First- and third-person nouns and pronouns (I, he, she) take the second-person verb form. The fo ...
form most widely accepted.The subjunctive form is accepted by those who use for- mal Standard English and by those who do not, w ...
perienced during the last 30 years. As population becomes more dense, there is greater competition for resources and thus more h ...
they exhibit. English verbs appear in a number of distinct forms, whereas modals have a single, invariant form. For instance, mo ...
rule for attachment, which indeed is what linguists have done. Nevertheless, structural analyses reveal much about the nature of ...
Usage Note Although modals are function words, they nevertheless have a semantic content.Canandmay,for example, do not mean the ...
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