Intermediate German: A Grammar and Workbook
das Hotel → die Hotels der PC → die PCs Herr und Frau Schmidt → die Schmidts Foreign nouns which don’t add an -s in the plural i ...
Looking up plural forms Note that dictionaries also give information on plural nouns. You can usually find the plural ending or ...
7 das Gehalt die ______ 17 der Park die ______ 8 das Telefon die ______ 18 die Firma die ______ 9 das Bild die ______ 19 das Reg ...
UNIT THREE Unit 3 Articles and other determiners The two articles and other determiners Determiners usually precede nouns. The m ...
As you can see, the definite article changes in accordance with the gender, number and case of the noun it is linked to. This pr ...
Ich fürchte mich vor dem Fliegen. I am afraid of flying. Declension As explained above, the definite article changes its form ac ...
Franz ist Berliner. Franz is a Berliner. Frau Gass ist Sozialarbeiterin. Mrs Gass is a social worker. But the indefinite articl ...
Declension pattern The possessives follow the declension pattern of the indefinite article. As an example, here are all forms of ...
Declension pattern Demonstratives follow a very similar declension pattern as the definite article. Here are all the forms of di ...
Sie hat viel Mut. She has a lot of courage. For more detail on the functions and cases of nouns, see Unit 4. For the use of det ...
Exercise 3.3 Fill in the missing endings where appropriate. 1 Kennst du dies___ Mann? 2 Fahren Sie mit dies___ Auto? 3 Er hat so ...
UNIT FOUR Cases What are cases? A case refers to the role a noun or a pronoun plays in a particular sentence or clause. There ar ...
nom. DerSchüler kauft einen Computer. acc. Die Lehrerin lobt denSchüler. Different pronoun forms Pronouns also have different fo ...
The nominative after verbs The nominative is also used after the verbs sein‘to be’, werden‘to become’ andscheinen‘to seem’: Hein ...
The accusative after most verbs Most verbs in German are used with a direct accusative object: kochen Jamie kocht ein Fischgeric ...
Accusative case endings The endings of the most common determiners in the accusative are iden- tical with those in the nominativ ...
Wir helfen derFrau. We help the woman. Er traute seinemChef nicht. He didn’t trust his boss. The dative after prepositions The d ...
Other adjectives which are often used with the dative are: bekannt ‘known’, fremd ‘strange’, böse ‘angry’, dankbar ‘grateful’, g ...
The genitive with prepositions The following prepositions require the genitive: statt ‘instead of ’, außerhalb‘outside of ’,inne ...
Note that in the genitive: masculineandneuternouns of one syllable usually take the ending -es:des Mannes,des Kindes; nouns wit ...
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