Abnormal Psychology
Foundations of Treatment 139 stepfather angry, at least until the adults have more practice working out their diffi culties. Par ...
140 CHAPTER 4 Inpatient Treatment Inpatient treatment is the term for treatment that occurs while a patient is in a psychiatric ...
Foundations of Treatment 141 Bibliotherapy The use of self-help materials as part of therapy. Prevention programs Programs that ...
142 CHAPTER 4 Some prevention programs, such as some stress management programs, are funded privately by health insurance compan ...
Foundations of Treatment 143 Targeting Social Factors in Younger Patients As discussed in Chapter 2, all of us are influenced by ...
144 CHAPTER 4 cause—discriminatory hiring practices. In contrast, the therapist may see the prob- lem as internal, in that the p ...
Foundations of Treatment 145 health clinician only after the symptoms continue for a long period or become so bad as to be intol ...
146 CHAPTER 4 more and greater side effects—which in turn might lead the patients to stop taking the medication (Lin et al., 199 ...
Foundations of Treatment 147 The therapist should check with each patient to determine whether demographic differences of many k ...
148 CHAPTER 4 Creating a Treatment Plan We’ve considered many different types of treatment. How does a patient and his or her me ...
Foundations of Treatment 149 would be the most appropriate. Among the biomedical treatments, medication (most likely an SSRI) fo ...
150 CHAPTER 4 SUMMING UP Summary of Treatments That Target Neurological Factors The goal of treatment is to reduce or eliminate ...
Foundations of Treatment 151 therapy to those living outside the hospital? Some patients will live with their families; why migh ...
S uppose you are a psychologist at a college counseling center. A student, Carlos, comes to the center because he’s been depress ...
CHAPTER 5 Researching Abnormality depression and breakups occur completely independently of each other. Many of the depressed st ...
Researching Abnormality 155 Replication The process of repeating a study using the same data collection methods under identical ...
156 CHAPTER 5 Experiments Research studies in which investigators intentionally manipulate one variable at a time, and measure t ...
Researching Abnormality 157 Confounding variables (confounds) Factors that might inadvertently affect the variables of interest ...
158 CHAPTER 5 Control group A group of participants in an experiment for which the independent variable is not manipulated, but ...
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