Abnormal Psychology
Mood Disorders and Suicide 219 During a manic episode, the person may also be highly distractible and unable to screen out irrel ...
220 CHAPTER 6 A mixed episode may last weeks to months, at which point all or some of the symptoms may disappear. Alternatively, ...
Mood Disorders and Suicide 221 Table 6.8 • DSM-IV-TR Diagnostic Criteria for Bipolar II Disorder A. Presence (or history) of one ...
222 CHAPTER 6 Table 6.9 • Bipolar Disorders Facts at a Glance Prevalence Between 0.4% and 1.6% of American suffer from bipolar ...
Mood Disorders and Suicide 223 have examined the relationship between bipolar disorder and creativity by asking supposedly “blin ...
224 CHAPTER 6 Cyclothymia usually unfolds slowly during early adolescence or young adulthood, and it has a chronic course, as Mr ...
Mood Disorders and Suicide 225 are experiencing a manic episode than it is in a control group of people who are not manic (Altsh ...
226 CHAPTER 6 Psychological Factors: Thoughts and Attributions Most research on the contribution of psychological factors to bip ...
Mood Disorders and Suicide 227 We can now understand Jamison’s bipolar disorder as arising from a confl u- ence of neuropsychoso ...
228 CHAPTER 6 (psychological factors) meant that she didn’t do as good a job as she could have done in protecting herself from o ...
Mood Disorders and Suicide 229 medication should take it for as brief a period as possible (Rosenbaum et al., 2005). Antidepress ...
230 CHAPTER 6 2006; Brondolo & Mas, 2001; Frank et al., 2005; Miklowitz, 2008; Miklowitz et al., 2007). Targeting Social Fac ...
Mood Disorders and Suicide 231 Figure 6.7 6.7 • Feedback Loops in Treating Bipolar Disorders Key Concepts and Facts About Bipola ...
232 CHAPTER 6 Suicidal ideation Thoughts of suicide. Social factors that are associated with bipolar disorders in- clude disrup ...
Mood Disorders and Suicide 233 both those with and without disorders—has at some point had suicidal thoughts (Weissman, Bland, e ...
234 CHAPTER 6 taking pills or cutting a vein. In the latter situations, the individual often has at least a few minutes to seek ...
Mood Disorders and Suicide 235 period when disclosing their homosexuality to immediate family members (Igartua, Gill, & Mont ...
236 CHAPTER 6 Neurological Factors Because the main risk factors for suicide are associated with depression and im- pulsivity (a ...
Mood Disorders and Suicide 237 Table 6.13 • Suicide Rates in Selected Countries are prone to impulsive behavior, such hopelessne ...
238 CHAPTER 6 associated with depression. Alternatively, the suicide rates across coun- tries could depend, in part, on the soci ...
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