Abnormal Psychology
Researching Abnormality 179 One way to study specific factors and also control for possible confounding factors that might infl ...
180 CHAPTER 5 Alternatively, instead of a “no treatment” or wait-list control group, research- ers may use a placebo control gro ...
Researching Abnormality 181 Is One Type of Therapy Better for Treating a Specifi c Disorder? The fi rst generation of research o ...
182 CHAPTER 5 Exclusion Criteria In most RCTs, including the TDCRP, researchers investigate treatments for patients who have a “ ...
Researching Abnormality 183 manuals) whose investigators support a different type of treatment tend to do bet- ter with that tre ...
184 CHAPTER 5 1991; Martin, Garske, & Davis, 2000; Messer, 2004; Messer & Wampold, 2002; Wampold, 2001). Thus, focusing ...
Researching Abnormality 185 The Therapy Dose- Response Relationship We have been discussing research on treatment that uses expe ...
186 CHAPTER 5 (increased number of sessions) (Otto, 2002; Tang & DeRubeis, 1999). Alterna- tively, both dose and response co ...
Researching Abnormality 187 But members of nonindustrialized societies are not the only ones who are sus- ceptible to such cultu ...
188 CHAPTER 5 SUMMING UP Summary of Using the Scientifi c Method to Understand Abnormality Researchers use the scientifi c metho ...
Researching Abnormality 189 know before generalizing from her results to other people with compulsive gambling? Summary of Resea ...
K ay Redfield Jamison, a psychologist who studies mood disorders, is uniquely qualifi ed to report and refl ect on such disorder ...
192 CHAPTER 6 DSM-IV-TR distinguishes between two categories of mood disorders: depres- sive disorders and bipolar disorders. De ...
CHAPTER 6 Mood Disorders and Suicide to the movies, for instance, may no longer fi nd it so interesting or fun and may feel that ...
194 CHAPTER 6 CASE 6.1 • FROM THE INSIDE: Major Depressive Episode Another experience of depression was captured by the writer W ...
Mood Disorders and Suicide 195 emerging as a major depressive episode. An untreated MDE typically lasts approximately 4 months o ...
196 CHAPTER 6 Because of the high comorbidity between depression and anxiety disorders (about 50%), researchers propose that the ...
Mood Disorders and Suicide 197 features—hallucinations (e.g., in which a patient can feel that his or her body is decaying) or d ...
198 CHAPTER 6 How would a clinician determine whether Mr. A, or someone else, suffered from dysthymic disorder or MDD—what diffe ...
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