Abnormal Psychology
Childhood Disorders 659 Criticisms of the DSM-IV-TR Diagnostic Criteria Clinicians and researchers have pointed out numerous pro ...
660 CHAPTER 14 that examined people whose symptoms arose after age 7 (but generally by age 12) found that the symptoms were virt ...
Childhood Disorders 661 disorder have smaller brains than do children and adolescents without the disorder, and the defi cit in ...
662 CHAPTER 14 However, as with most psychological disorders that are infl uenced by genes, a combination of genes—not a single ...
Childhood Disorders 663 In addition, children with ADHD appear to have an attributional style that leaves them vulnerable to low ...
664 CHAPTER 14 factors: Parents who develop substance use disorders or antisocial personality disor- der may have temperaments ( ...
Childhood Disorders 665 with ADHD than in control families (Pressman et al., 2006). However, do family environments that are hig ...
666 CHAPTER 14 Treating Disorders of Disruptive Behavior and Attention Treatments for disorders of disruptive behavior and atten ...
Childhood Disorders 667 undercutting the child’s self- esteem (Frick & Muñoz, 2006; Hinshaw et al., 1993; Jensen et al., 200 ...
668 CHAPTER 14 The fi rst step of contingency management training with parents is psychoeduca- tion—teaching the parents that th ...
Childhood Disorders 669 Figure 14.5g45 Changes neural activity Treatments Targeting Psychological Factors CBT: Modeling, reinfor ...
670 CHAPTER 14 Other Disorders of Childhood Children can exhibit a wide variety of odd or unusual behaviors that in and of thems ...
Childhood Disorders 671 Some children may, from time to time, exhibit repetitive movements, such as ab- normally frequent eye ...
672 CHAPTER 14 fantasies about reuniting. Also, like individuals with generalized anxiety disorder (see Chapter 7), they may hav ...
Childhood Disorders 673 Distinguishing Between Separation Anxiety Disorder and Other Disorders As they did for JC, the symptoms ...
674 CHAPTER 14 or “high maintenance,” which can lead to tension and frustration for all concerned. In some cases, the child’s be ...
Childhood Disorders 675 14.6 • Behavioral Treatment of Enuresis A bed-wetting alarm is the treatment of choice for nighttime enu ...
676 CHAPTER 14 before urinating in the bed. That is, the child learns to detect the sensations of a full bladder even during sle ...
Childhood Disorders 677 Summary of Mental Retardation The diagnosis of mental retardation requires both an IQ score at or below ...
678 CHAPTER 14 In contrast to autism and Asperger’s dis- order, childhood disintegrative disorder is characterized by normal dev ...
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