Abnormal Psychology
Childhood Disorders 639 discovery that in 2005 more children had autism in counties of the Northwest states (California, Oregon, ...
640 CHAPTER 14 Even older children with autism who have developed some communication skills may still have defi cits that preven ...
Childhood Disorders 641 in the mouth, and fi nally for using it with food. Parents of children with autism are encouraged to use ...
642 CHAPTER 14 the girl’s head slows and she loses the ability to control normal muscle movements, interest in other people, and ...
Childhood Disorders 643 Learning Disorders: Problems with the Three Rs Richie Enriquez’s older brother, Javier, is in the 4th gr ...
644 CHAPTER 14 Unfortunately, learning disorders may cast a long shadow over many areas of life for many years. People with lear ...
Childhood Disorders 645 Brain Systems In most forms of dyslexia, the brain systems involved in auditory processing do not functi ...
646 CHAPTER 14 (Fisher & Francks, 2006; Marino et al., 2007). Some of these genes affect how neurons are connected during br ...
Childhood Disorders 647 Treating Learning Disorders Children with learning disorders are eligible for the accommodations and ser ...
648 CHAPTER 14 Disorders of Disruptive Behavior and Attention In addition to Javier Enriquez’s apparent diffi culties reading, h ...
Childhood Disorders 649 characterized mainly by problems with attention but sometimes by disruptive behavior as well). As we’ll ...
650 CHAPTER 14 Moderate. The individual has a number of conduct problems, and their effect on other people is between mild and ...
Childhood Disorders 651 Adolescent-Onset Type For people with adolescent-onset type, the symptoms of conduct disorder emerge wit ...
652 CHAPTER 14 act aggressively and antisocially in impulsive ways when distressed. They often feel bad afterward, but still can ...
Childhood Disorders 653 What Is Oppositional Defi ant Disorder? The defi ning features of oppositional defi ant disorder are ove ...
654 CHAPTER 14 Oppositional behavior is common among toddlers and adolescents; a clinician must be careful not to make the diagn ...
Childhood Disorders 655 example, people with attention-defi cit/hyperactivity disorder may, as a result of their impulsivity or ...
656 CHAPTER 14 attention, and others primarily have diffi culty with hyperactivity and impulsivity. Still others have all three ...
Childhood Disorders 657 Because the sets of symptoms vary, clinicians fi nd it useful to classify ADHD into different types. The ...
658 CHAPTER 14 In addition, symptoms of impulsivity can lead to increased risk of harm. As shown in Figure 14.3, as the child he ...
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