English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary
visceral: internal; visceral; profound; intense viscosa: viscose viscoso: viscous; sticky visera: peak; visor; eyeshade visibili ...
viva: hurray; cheer; viva; vivat vivac: bivouac vivacidad: vivacity; liveliness; animal spirits; brightness; vividness vivalavir ...
coining press volar: to fly; to fleet; to pass swiftly; to run fast; to make great haste; to go; to disappear; to spread; to blo ...
vuelco: overturn; turnover; upset; volcar vuelo: flight; projection; jut; spread; wideness; flaring; importance; volar vuelta: r ...
W walkie-talkie: walkie-talkie walkman: Walkman; personal stereo Washington: Washington wáter: toilet; lavatory; bathroom waterp ...
X xenofobia: xenophobia xenófobo: xenophobic; xenophobe xenón: xenon xerocopia: photocopy; xerox xerocopiar: to photocopy; to xe ...
Y y: and; and yet; what about ya: already; now; at once; presently; right away; of course; sure; later on; at another time; ya q ...
yugoslavo: Yugoslavian; Yugoslav yugular: jugular yunque: anvil; incus yunta: couple; yoke; yuntas: cuff links yuppie, yuppy: yu ...
Z zacate: hay; fodder; grass; scourer zafado: cheeky; forward; impudent zafaduría: nerve; cheek zafarrancho: clearing of the dec ...
zanganear: to laze around; to drone; to idle; to loaf zángano: drone; lazy; oaf; idler; loafer zanguango: idler; lazy person; sl ...
zimbabuense: Zimbabwean zinc: zinc zíper: zip zipizape: row; shindy; scuffle zócalo: skirting board; plinth; baseboard; main squ ...
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