Programming and Graphics
C C++/Matlab/Fortran 77Dictionary 329 Matlab C++ %————– /* ————– % AUTHOR: J Doe AUTHOR: J Doe %————– —————- */ int main() { No ...
330 Introduction to C++ Programming and Graphics Fortran 77 C++ cAUTHOR:JDoe /* AUTHOR: J Doe */ program main int main() ... { s ...
C C++/Matlab/Fortran 77Dictionary 331 Matlab Fortran 77 C++ for i=1:n Do i=1,n for (i=1;i<=n;i++) a=a+3; a=a+3 {a=a+3; b=b+4; ...
332 Introduction to C++ Programming and Graphics Matlab C++ #include<iostream> a=input(”); cin>>a; b=input(’Please e ...
C C++/Matlab/Fortran 77Dictionary 333 Fortran 77 C++ #include<iostream> read (5,*) a cin>>a; read (5,*) a,b,c cin> ...
334 Introduction to C++ Programming and Graphics The following C++ code computes the sum of the inverses of the squares of the f ...
C C++/Matlab/Fortran 77Dictionary 335 write (6,*)"0toquit" write (6,*) " ------------------------------" read (5,*) n If(n.eq.0) ...
336 Introduction to C++ Programming and Graphics prod = 0.0D0 Do i=1,n prod = prod + a(i)*b(i) End Do Return End Why C++? Althou ...
ASCII Code D The ASCII code maps characters to integers. Characters include letters of the English alphabet, numbers, control ch ...
338 Introduction to C++ Programming and Graphics 19 23 13 DC3 Device control 3 (usually XOFF) 20 24 14 DC4 Device control 4 21 2 ...
D ASCII Code 339 64 100 40 @ 65 101 41 A 66 102 42 B 67 103 43 C 68 104 44 D 69 105 45 E 70 106 46 F 71 107 47 G 72 110 48 H 73 ...
340 Introduction to C++ Programming and Graphics 109 155 6D m 110 156 6E n 111 157 6F o 112 160 70 p 113 161 71 q 114 162 72 r 1 ...
C++ Keywords E The words listed in the following table are reserved for C++ declarations and operations and may not be employed ...
342 Introduction to C++ Programming and Graphics if Execute code based on the result of a test inline Optimize calls to short fu ...
Matlab Primer F Only elementary computer programming skills are necessary to read and write Matlabcode. The code is written in o ...
344 Introduction to C++ Programming and Graphics Beginning and end of a command line: AMatlabcommand can begin at any position ...
F.1Grammar and syntax 345 + Plus Minus Matrix multiplication .* Array multiplication ^ Matrix power .^ Array power kron Krone ...
346 Introduction to C++ Programming and Graphics break Terminate the execution else Use with theifstatement elseif Use with thei ...
F.3Matlabcommands 347 input Prompt for user input keyboard Invoke keyboard as though it were a script file menu Generate menu of ...
348 Introduction to C++ Programming and Graphics clear Clear variables and functions from memory demo Run demos exit Terminate a ...
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