Programming and Graphics
6.15 Pointers and virtual functions 189 Problems 6.14.1. Introduce the class of countries defined by the host continent, size, p ...
190 Introduction to C++ Programming and Graphics To make matters worse, we endow the rose class with the function: void rose::pr ...
6.15 Pointers and virtual functions 191 If instead we include in the public section of the flower the non-virtual functionprintr ...
192 Introduction to C++ Programming and Graphics The resident class is defined and implemented as: //--- RESIDENT CLASS class re ...
6.16 Class templates 193 student * pntR = &R; student * pntN = &N; pntR->payment(); pntN->payment(); return 0; } R ...
194 Introduction to C++ Programming and Graphics //--- CLASS DEFINITION template <class T> class point { public: point(); ...
6.16 Class templates 195 void point<T>::move(T dx, T dy) { x=x+dx; y=y+dy; } // overload + : template <class T> poin ...
196 Introduction to C++ Programming and Graphics Problems 6.16.1. Generalize the algebra class discussed in Section 6.8 into a t ...
Graphics Programming with VOGLE 7 The basic Input/Output system (BIOS) installed on the motherboard by the manufacturer and the ...
198 Introduction to C++ Programming and Graphics At the time the VOGLE project get under way, the wife of one of the developers ...
7.1 Compilation 199 oliver: c++ -o oliver -lX11 VOGLE/voglelinuxansi.a and issue the command: make oliver Th ...
200 Introduction to C++ Programming and Graphics (a)(b) Figure 7.2.1. (a) A blankVoglewindow, and (b) a greetingVoglewindow. whe ...
7.2 Getting started withVogle 201 The code features the following implementations: The graphics window position and size are fi ...
202 Introduction to C++ Programming and Graphics color(BLACK); font("/tmp/hfonts/times.ib"); textsize(0.4,0.4); //--- Draw a str ...
7.2 Getting started withVogle 203 Graphics files To generate a file containing the graphics, instead of initializing the graphic ...
204 Introduction to C++ Programming and Graphics #include "VOGLE/voglec++.h" using namespace std; int main() { prefposition (600 ...
7.2 Getting started withVogle 205 (a)(b) Figure 7.2.2. (a)AVoglewindow printing and underlining a Greek word in world coordinate ...
206 Introduction to C++ Programming and Graphics //--- Define a viewport in the top right corner and draw a circle: viewport(0.0 ...
7.3 A rotating polygon in animation 207 vexit(); return 0; } Figure 7.2.2(b) shows the generated graphics window. We see that th ...
208 Introduction to C++ Programming and Graphics /*--------------------------------- Animation of a rotating polygon using VOGLE ...
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