Weber sees ancient Israel as marked by a conflict between the Baal cult in the North and the prophets and priests in the South ( ...
that was prevalent during the reign of Jeroboam II (786–746 BC). Kautsky chooses this quotation from Amos: Hear this, you who tr ...
seem unique, it was a common practice in antiquity for conquerors to take slaves during military conquest. What may be more uniq ...
Great’s empire was broken up into several kingdoms one of which became ruled by King Antiochus. The weakness of the foreign occu ...
name for himself, which he used as the title of the Messiah (Bloch 1972:146, 161). Jesus lived during a period of political unre ...
their enemies and conquerors were ultimately satisfied with nothing less than a radical revaluation of their enemies’ values, th ...
When Jesus found moneylenders and trade being conducted in the tem- ple, this was because the temple in Jerusalem collected a ta ...
communism of the Essenes that is related to early Christianity (Weber 1952:410). While the Pharisees were complicit with the Rom ...
told the parable against them.” They attempted to arrest him, wanting to put him to death, but were afraid of the masses. So, th ...
(2 Corinthians 11:23). Paul tried to justify his madness: “If we are besides ourselves, it is for God” (2 Corinthians 5:13). Nie ...
God has chosen the poor in this world “to be rich in faith” and heirs to the Kingdom of God ( James 2:5). James’ promises take o ...
grew within the Roman Empire only to undermine it. But in the process, most of Christianity itself became routinized and rationa ...
used these tactics of conquest, plundering, and murder, did the Jews have political autonomy. Even so, the small kingdom of Jude ...
George Lundskow The Concept of Choice in the Rise of Christianity: A Critique of Rational-Choice Theory Many classical (modernis ...
To his credit, the book makes several important contributions, including a focus on socially transformative events like plague, ...
I also counter Stark’s assumptions, that religion is a matter of choice. My argument follows Daniel Bell in the Cultural Contrad ...
Using this cost-benefit model, subsequent work expanded the range of application for rational choice theory, synthesizing the po ...
Contemporary rational-choice theory thus claims dominion over all human thought and action. Politics, economics, democracy, and ...
The issue then, is not only rationality itself, but also, what sort of values shape a person’s priorities, and thus for that per ...
Weber argues that “it would be very unusual to find concrete cases of action, especially of social action, which were oriented o ...
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