to lay them at his feet, and give yourself over to praising Him.” Thus, the pastor legitimated the tongues and their interpretat ...
Whether the initial discernment is public or private – when the spiritual expressions are spoken there still needs to be a publi ...
of the Spirit are spoken by people individually, but are not private because they are heard above the corporate voice of the con ...
the Spirit in that church were appropriately expressed only from the front of the church through a microphone. The Appropriate “ ...
ways did they not fit the congregations expectations? It is these illegitimate expressions in details and their treatment that p ...
fleshy sources of illegitimate expressions was never made publicly visible by pastors at either church. Instead, these spiritual ...
behavior is considered disorderly. Yet, this is not the case at all Pentecostal churches. For example, when visiting a Full Bibl ...
criticized the act of shouting and dancing at that time. Appropriate prophe- cies emanating from the speaker ’s place of worship ...
of sins, reading one’s bible, and following biblical principles. “Healing divi- sions in the church” involves acceptance of diff ...
Our research challenges this general emphasis on concepts, taking a detailed study of religious practice as a demonstration of t ...
of legitimate expressions of the spirit is evidence of the importance of ritual practice and its distinction from spiritual beli ...
Our position is consistent with Garfinkel’s argument that the detailed and recognizable features of embodied action are essentia ...
purpose and the order of social relations – because it treats the result as the cause. This reification creates the appearance o ...
pattern in their enacted details that participants could work with. Conceptual reductions lose these patterns – they do not reco ...
It was Durkheim’s argument, in The Elementary Forms of The Religious Life, that most of the serious misperceptions about religio ...
Lauren Langman From the Caliphate to the Shaheedim: Toward a Critical Theory of Islam Allah is Great-and the Caliphate Preferabl ...
In much the same way, Islamisms, while rejecting nationalism as a modernist ideology, would seek autonomous control of the State ...
meaningless. Such a character was disposed to embrace authoritarian ide- ologies that allowed an “escape from freedom”, yet assu ...
at times, shaded into terrorism. 5) To explain the various moments of decline, ressentementand terrorism, I will attempt to show ...
tion, to establish its goals. Fundamentalist beliefs have been used to justify martyrdom operations e.g. shaheeden(suicide bombi ...
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