120 Spiritual Astrology through sound is required. This is done through nasalisation. There is no music without nasal sounds. On ...
121 5. Leo Leo is the royal sign of the zodiac. Lion represents the king among the animals. All the people born under Leo are es ...
122 Spiritual Astrology circulation form a centre of pulsation in the heart and the lungs, and this pulsation is worked out thro ...
Leo 123 requires the full-fledged help of Leo. During the first phases, Leo is called the dog in the Ve-dic and Pura-n.ic symbol ...
124 Spiritual Astrology sounds not heard by the human ear. The presence of a dog hastens the stimulation of consciousness into t ...
Leo 125 another path, the birth of the wisdom leads and causes the birth of the other two aspects. This is the path of the wheel ...
126 Spiritual Astrology house and the fifth sign Leo in the mundane level to the mundane man; in the soul-level to the disciple; ...
Leo 127 through “Avidya” (personality) and be raised by the grip (a point of fellowship) into soul-consciousness. For a man who ...
128 Spiritual Astrology the ruler and the ruled is that of a father to his sons. There is no wonder if we find records of the Ra ...
Leo 129 There is a great spiritual relationship between Leo and Aquarius. The sign of Leo is in the downward path (Dakshin.a-yan ...
130 Spiritual Astrology sign Leo through Sagittarius in its relationship of trine for those who are in the soul-level. Mysteriou ...
Leo 131 love. An elevation through the grip of diaphragm, the heart, and the grip of the five fingers (the five claws of the lio ...
132 6. Virgo Virgo is the second mutable sign and also the second sign of earth in the zodiac. The symbol of this sign is a virg ...
Virgo 133 The emanation is like the emergence of a wave in the ocean. The wave is not different from the ocean in essence but di ...
134 Spiritual Astrology her expression as a principle in nature and in man through the sign Virgo. Ramanuja calls the role of th ...
Virgo 135 the upper hand, I come down to establish the law once again and this is done through my Ma-ya,” says the Great Lord in ...
136 Spiritual Astrology the grace of the Saviour and the World Mother that are concealed in the earthy trio of the sign. To the ...
Virgo 137 begins with Virgo and ends with Scorpio, functioned as a single sign, Virgo-Scorpio. It was the time when the earth wa ...
138 Spiritual Astrology equator was parallel to the ecliptic in one plane. Gradually, a fourth part of this hollow half-globe be ...
Virgo 139 embryo in the womb of woman imitates all these stages. We therefore find that the growth of the vertebral column in th ...
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