60 Spiritual Astrology Orthodox astrology has not much in common with the astrology of the wisdom school. The traditional and or ...
Tortoise as a Symbol 61 The stories of the planets and their loka-s and the order of sequence of the planetary planes therein, w ...
62 Spiritual Astrology sense that it is reproductive and serves to hatch the spirit of the solar ray into the matter-state of sp ...
63 We have seen how the twelve signs of the zodiac represent the various parts or organs of the human body. Man is not only a ph ...
64 Spiritual Astrology These signs are rightly called fixed signs. Their nature is preservation through establishment. The mutab ...
Classification of the Zodiacal Signs 65 the crucifixion of Christ with two others. The fixed cross among the three represents th ...
66 Spiritual Astrology impersonal experience which can be symbolised by a point merged in eternity. After a pause or stillness, ...
Classification of the Zodiacal Signs 67 Then comes the triplicity of earth. Earth is physical matter which gives shape or stabil ...
68 Spiritual Astrology is uttered forth through Gemini, the vocal chords of the utterer and it is shot out or seen as Sagittariu ...
Classification of the Zodiacal Signs 69 After this there will be a big jerk to the geocentric zodiac. There is a shift in the po ...
70 Spiritual Astrology The egos of men have reached the human stage of evolution after passing through the mineral, plant and an ...
Classification of the Zodiacal Signs 71 Then there is the elimination of the signs in the mental plane which takes place through ...
72 11. The Zodiac and Pra-n.a-ya-ma - N.A - YA - MA Pra-n.a is the vital body of man. It has the property of pulsation or life. ...
The Zodiac and Pra-n.a-ya-ma 73 Taurus in a yogi and Gemini in others. The poise of the breath is called sama-na (Sama-na: measu ...
74 The zodiac symbolises both space and time. Time is the duration of the succession of events that occur in a cyclic order. The ...
The Measures of Time in the Zodiac 75 When the Sun enters Taurus, the day is prolonged for twenty-four minutes more and there is ...
76 Spiritual Astrology 72 of the 72 minutes is also very significant. For the precession of the equinoxes to cover up one degree ...
The Measures of Time in the Zodiac 77 many minutes in an hour, etc. Here we get the influence of the planetary cycles on the zod ...
78 Spiritual Astrology For all spiritual purposes, Aries is located in the meridian of the day of gods. The solar year is called ...
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