THE Java™ Programming Language, Fourth Edition
The compareTo method is useful for creating an internal canonical ordering of strings. A binary search, for example, requires a ...
System.out.println("b2 = " + b2); System.out.println("b3 = " + b3); } } Here is its output: b1 = false b2 = true b3 = false The ...
String str = "¿Peña?"; // ... if (str == "¿Peña?") answer(str); Because str is initially set to a string literal, comparing with ...
else if (startPos > endPos) // start after end return null; else // both start and end found return from.substring(startPos, ...
public StringreplaceAll(String regex, String repStr) Returns a String with all substrings that match the regular expression rege ...
toUpperCase use the current default locale, or you can pass a specific locale as an argument: public StringtoLowerCase() Returns ...
int String.valueOf(int) Integer.parseInt(String, int base) long String.valueOf(long) Long.parseLong(String, int base) float Stri ...
Both of these constructors make copies of the array, so you can change the array contents after you have created a String from i ...
Constructs a new String by converting the bytes, from index start up to a maximum of count bytes, into characters using the defa ...
Consult the release documentation for your implementation to see if any other character set encodings are supported. Character s ...
You can use regular expressions to ask if strings match a pattern and pick out parts of strings using a rich expression language ...
13.3.2. Compiling and Matching with Regular Expressions Evaluating a regular expression can be compute intensive, and in many in ...
Creates a matcher that will match the given input against this pattern. public String[]split(CharSequence input, int limit) A co ...
Attempts to match the entire input sequence against the pattern. public booleanlookingAt() Attempts to match the input sequence, ...
words, the substring defined by start and end. public intgroupCount() Returns the number of capturing groups in this matcher's p ...
Replaces the first occurrence of this matcher's pattern with the replacement string, returning the result. The matcher is first ...
Matcher matcher = pat.matcher(input); return matcher.replaceAll("$3$2$1"); } First we build a pattern from the two words, using ...
13.3.5. Efficiency Suppose you want to parse a string into two parts that are separated by a comma. The pattern (.),(.) is clear ...
uses toString to create a String from the result. To build and modify a string, you probably want to use the StringBuilder class ...
Object String CharSequence char[] boolean char int long float double There are also append and insert methods that take part of ...
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