THE Java™ Programming Language, Fourth Edition
Also suppose you had several overloaded methods that took particular combinations of Dessert parameters: void moorge(Dessert d, ...
not appliedif a method takes a short argument and you supply an int you will have to explicitly cast the int to short; it won't ...
the end. The semicolon terminates the statement.[1] In fact, a semicolon by itself is a statement that does nothingthe empty sta ...
charm(value); else if (keyword.equals("strange")) strange(value); else throw new UnknownProperty(keyword); } What if there is mo ...
Exercise 10.1: Using ifelse in a loop, write a method that takes a string parameter and returns a string with all the special ch ...
case Verbose.TERSE: System.out.println(summaryState); break; default: throw new IllegalStateException( "verbosity=" + verbosity) ...
the bottom of what used to be the last part of the switch when a new case is added. All case labels must be enum constants or co ...
maximum limit. A while loop executes zero or more times since the expression might be false the first time it is evaluated. Some ...
example, to march two indexes through an array in opposite directions, the following code would be appropriate: for (i = 0, j = ...
public static int tenPower(int value) { int exp, v; for (exp = 0, v = value - 1; v > 0; exp++, v /= 10) continue; return exp; ...
set. The set-expression must either evaluate to an array instance, or an object that implements the interface java.lang.Iterable ...
As before the advantage of the enhanced for is a simple, syntactic construct for accessing the elements you are iterating throug ...
} To terminate an outer loop or block, you label the outer statement and use its label name in the break statement: private floa ...
You should use the break statement judiciously, and with thought to the clarity of the resulting code. Arbitrarily jumping out o ...
} } } Each time a diagonal element of the matrix is reached, the rest of that row is skipped by continuing with the outer loop t ...
Executing cleanup code before a method or block of code exits. Use either a labeled break or, more cleanly, the finally construc ...
} public void setNext(Cell next) { = next; } } The class is now declared as Cell (which is read as "Cell of E"). E rep ...
new SingleLinkQueue(); queue.add("Hello"); queue.add("World"); Now there is no need for a cast when invoking remove: String hell ...
Cellthat knowledge has been erased; a concept we come back to a bit later in the chapter (see page 267). The fact that there is ...
use reflection to create an array of the right sizesee "Genericity and Dynamic Arrays" on page 430. Exercise 11.1: Revisit the L ...
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