Physical Chemistry of Foods
In practice, however, the predicted bridging may not happen, because thermodynamic equilibrium is not reached. When two particle ...
Although the average value ofGwould be the same as in the former case, copious aggregation occurs due to bridging. A bare partic ...
will, of course, become separated, maybe as depicted by the broken line. The bridging by calcium ions can readily occur for adso ...
12.3.3 Depletion Interaction Assume a dispersion of particles of radius rp that also contains some nonadsorbing polymer; the pol ...
Thisdepletion free energycan be calculated for a pair of spherical particles at a distancehfrom each other by Vdepl¼ 2 prpPpolð ...
space-filling, although fluctuating, network of polymer molecules, and flocculation will not occur. Also other species may cause ...
12.4 OTHER INTERACTIONS Table 3.1 lists some other kinds of intermolecular forces, and most of these can also act between partic ...
involves hundreds of such bonds. These bonds may even be of various kinds. Consequently, it may be advisable to speak of ajuncti ...
Question A fairly dilute O–W emulsion is made with a protein as the sole surfactant, and a polysaccharide is added to increase v ...
Waals forcesnearly always cause attraction. The interaction depends on the materials involved, which dependence is given by the ...
In foods, the DLVO theory is often insufficient to calculate the total interaction. In many casessteric interactionis involved, ...
BIBLIOGRAPHY All textbooks on colloid science discuss colloidal interaction forces, such as P. C. Hiemenz, R. J. Rajagopalan. Pr ...
Especially useful are Vol. I, Chapter 4, for van der Waals forces, and Vol. II, Chapter 3, for electric double layers. A compreh ...
13 Changes in Dispersity In Section 9.1 it is stated that all lyophobic dispersions are thermodyna- mically unstable. They tend ...
Growth/Dissolution. The driving force is here a difference in the chemical potential between the substance making up the particl ...
Coalescence. This is caused byrupture of the filmbetween two emulsion drops or two foam bubbles. The driving force is the decrea ...
Mutual Interference. One kind of change can affect the rate or even the occurrence of the other. All changes leading to an incre ...
4? 106 J?m^3. In other words, full coalescence would lead to an increase of the temperature of the system (provided it is isola ...
energy involved per pair of particles aggregating is given by DGmix&kBTjðlnj 1 Þ This gives forj¼0.001 and 0.1, values of 0 ...
twice. The result is dN dt ¼ 1 2 JperiN¼ 2 pDpairRcollN^2 ¼ 4 pDdN^2 ¼ 4 kBT 3 Z N^2 ð 13 : 2 Þ where the last two equalities ...
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