Physical Chemistry of Foods
(Section 10.3.3), the stability may be considerably impaired: the amphiphile gives a lower interfacial tension and may cause wea ...
determine full size distributions. The largest drops in an emulsion are the most susceptible to coalescence, as concluded above. ...
Actually, the fat crystals, if sufficiently abundant, also form a space- filling network thatimmobilizes the drops. If the volum ...
Answer It is readily calculated that the specific surface area was 0.33 m^2 per mL of oil, and the amount of protein available t ...
dilational modulus, hence for proteins. Consequently, a foam of small bubble size and made with protein as the surfactant drains ...
be positive. For most combinations of foaming agents and particle material, this condition is not fulfilled, but for proteins at ...
crystals. On the other hand, whipping cream contains a very high concentration of fat globules, and it is readily whipped into a ...
13.1e. The adjectivepartialsignifies that the globules do not coalesce into one drop, although there is oil–oil contact between ...
neck containing a crystal. Often the junction becomes larger and firmer upon aging. Consequences. Partial coalescence differs fr ...
Agitation. This has a strong effect, as illustrated in frame (b). The following mechanisms play a part. (a) The encounter frequ ...
and the thickness of the film between approaching globules may then remain greater than the distance over which crystals protrud ...
proteins as the surfactant, generallyyis in the range 120 8 to 150 8. The effect of adding small-molecule surfactants on the agg ...
situations intermediate between the two mentioned can occur. This greatly complicates the determination of an aggregation rate. ...
continuous phase. Hence a significant solubility is a prerequisite for Ostwald ripening to occur at a perceptible rate. This cha ...
predictions. Equation (13.33) further implies that the shrinkage of a bubble goes ever faster, so that it more or less implodes ...
This relation only holds for bubbles differing very little in size; in practice, the conditionESD> 2 gis more realistic. As l ...
Stopping Ostwald Ripening. This is possible by giving the A–W surface a large and permanentESDvalue. This can be achieved by cro ...
13.6.2 Emulsions LSW Theory. In most emulsions, the distance between drops is far larger than in foams, which makes the de Vries ...
crystals, may give a kind of Pickering stabilization. A third reason is discussed below. Compound Droplets. If the droplets cont ...
TABLE13.2 Summary of the Changes in Dispersity Resulting from the Various Processes Discussed Process Consequences Reversible? R ...
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