Physical Chemistry of Foods
interpreted as representing the inherent effectivedefect length Ldefof the material, i.e., the size of inhomogeneities that are ...
Answer This depends on what is meant by the fracture stress. The yield stress must be larger than the overall fracture propagati ...
which can be rewritten as dlns deu > 1 ð 17 : 13 Þ The condition for stability is thus that the stress in the material increa ...
Question In Emmentaler (‘‘Swiss’’) cheese, gas formation causes the formation of holes in the cheese mass. The gas is CO 2 , pro ...
handling the food, this may relate to spreading, slicing, grinding, mixing, etc. The most important is, of course, texture as pe ...
mechanical test results, but probably in a different manner. If the food is strongly anisotropic, as is the case with most kinds ...
undesirable. In some puddings, flavoring and coloring substances are not evenly distributed—when pieces of fruit are present, fo ...
Some important functionalities are mentioned in Tables 17.1 and 2, and the physical properties needed to realize these qualities ...
see Section 17.2.3. To prevent leakage of liquid from the gel, its permeability as appearing in the Darcy equation (5.24) should ...
in free energy. Flory showed that the shear modulus of an entropic gel is simply given by G¼nkBT ð 17 : 15 Þ wherenis the number ...
junctions are made of quite weak bonds, a significant number of bonds have to be formed at the same time to become more or less ...
the chain (probably stretches devoid of bulky side groups). This then prevents the parts of the chains near a double helix to be ...
Gelatin. Gelatin is a breakdown product of collagen, the main constituent of tendon and several other connective tissues. Accord ...
A gelatin gel resembles an ideal rubber-type gel to some extent. As given in Table 17.3, the linear region in a rubber may exten ...
characteristic of most food polysaccharides is the presence of various, in some cases quite bulky, side groups along the polymer ...
crystallites of stretched chain sections are present in gels of some galactomannans and possibly xanthan. Another categorization ...
concentration is in the range of thec* values, the modulus will be higher for a larger molar mass. An example is in Figure 17.13 ...
Swelling and Syneresis. Again, little systematic study has been made of these phenomena. According to Flory, the equilibrium vol ...
Add another substance that gives a weak gel, such as xanthan. This seems to be too expensive. Add a suitable low-methoxyl pecti ...
(voluminosity about 2.2 ml per g dry casein). They are protected against aggregation by a layer of protruding parts of thek-case ...
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