Engineering Economic Analysis
Cost Estimating 39 semidetailed estimates than the rough-order type, and their accuracy is generally -15 to +20%. Detailed estim ...
40 ENGINEERINGCOSTSANDCOSTESTIMATING One-of-a-Kind Estimates Estimated parameters can be for one-of-a-kind or first-run projects ...
Estimating Models 41 Estimating Models This section develops several estimating models that can be used at the rough, semidetail ...
42 ENGINEERINGCOSTSAND COST ESTIMATING · Each cabin at the camp holds 4 campers, and rent is $10 per day per cabin. ·Meals are $ ...
--..--.-- Estimating Models 43 Total cost Total cost for 10-day period =Transportation co,s!s+ Living costs + Entertainment cost ...
44 ENGINEERINGCOSTS AND COST ESTIMATING levels as follows: Cost Item A. Chassis A.I Deck A.2 Wheels A.3 Axles Unit Material Cost ...
Estimating Models 45 Equation 2-2 states that the ratio of the cost index numbers at two points in time(A andB)is equivalent to ...
---- -_.- - .- - - --- 46 ENGINEERINGCOSTS AND COST ESTIMATING scale that are common in industrial plant and equipment cos ...
Estimating Models 47 Based on her work in Example 2-7, Miriam has been asked to estimate the cost today of a 25.0.0ft2 heat exch ...
..- - .- --. -.. - -- .- 48 ENGINEERINGCOSTSAND COST ESTIMATING conceptof learningandimprovementin the activitiesthat peopleperf ...
Estimating Models 49 time is given. Steady state is the time at which the physical constraints of performing the task prevent th ...
-.- - -_. __A._.-_. 50 ENGINEERINGCOSTSAND COST ESTIMATING Estimating Benefits This chapter has focused on cost tenns and cost e ...
FIGURE 2-7 An example cash flow diagram (CFD). (+) + (-) $100 $100 ~nd of Period 2 tD~":~~ 1 i IS also Beginning ~ of Period 3. ...
-. .------- -.---.... 52 ENGINEERINGCOSTSANDCOSTESTIMATING total cash flow per year would simplify the cash flow diagram. Howe ...
Summary 53 costs change as output changes. Fixed and variable costs are used to find a breakeven value between costs and revenue ...
... .-.-..- 54 ENGINEERINGCOSTS AND COST ESTIMATING Problems 2-1 Bob Johnson decided to purchase a new home. After looking at tr ...
.. ---- Problems 55 Total cost, System I:y=0.9Ox+ 1.0 Total cost, System II: y=O.lOx+ 5.0 5 10 Maps Dispensed per year (thousand ...
56 ENGINEERINGCOSTSAND COST ESTIMATING operations. Three alternatives have been identified, and they have the following fixed an ...
Problems 57 and error or by using the quadratic equation to locate the point at which profit is zero.) (c) Determine the sales v ...
~ - ----.--------- 58 ENGINEERINGCOSTSAND COST ESTIMATING n. The first two cost items do not change at all; all others are pro ...
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