Engineering Economic Analysis
Continuous Cpmpounding 119 Continuous Compounding Series Compound Amount ern- 1 [F/A,r,n] = er-l (4-43) Continuous Compounding S ...
120 MORE INTERESTFORMULAS ( er - 1 ) ( eO.OO5- 1 A= F[AIF, r, n]= F ern_ 1 = 1000 eO.OO5(l2)_ 1) = 1000 ( °.005013 ) = $81.07 0 ...
Continuous Compounding 121 MultiplyingEquation 4-43 by the single payment, continuous compoundingfactors, we can findFfor any fu ...
. ..- -. -....... ...-. 122 MORE INTERESTFORMULAS th~ month. If the bank pays 9% nominal interest, compounded continuously, how ...
.. -- - --..-- --- Spreadsheets for Economic Analysis 123 To find the equivalentP To find the equivalentA To find the equivalent ...
124 MORE INTERESTFORMULAS Excel Function NPV(i,values) IRR(values,guess); guess argument is optional Excel's IRR function can be ...
. Spreadsheets for EconolT,licAnalysis 125 than doubling each distance. Thelinechart is really designed to plotyvalues for diffe ...
126 MORE INTERESTFORMULAS lines, and without markers as the chart type. (The other choices are no lines, straight lines, and add ...
Summary 127 Present worth: P= F(1 +i) -n= F (PIF, i, n) Uniform Series Formulas Compoundamount: [ (1 +i)n-1 ] =A(FIA, i, n) ...
128 MORE INTERESTFORMULAS Single Payment Formulas: Continuous Compounding at Nominal Rater per Period Compound amount: F = P(ern ...
--- -- --- ---... - _. _.. h __..__ Present worth Problems 129 _ [ er- 1 ] _ _ P=F - =F[P/F,r,n] rern Nominal Interest Rate per ...
130 MORE INTERESTFORMULAS (Answers: B=$228.13; C=$634;V=$51.05; x =$66.24) For diagrams (a)-(d), compute the unknown values C,A, ...
Problems 131 4-8 Ifi= 12%,what is the value ofBin the diagram? 800 800 800 f r r r 0-1-2-3-4 1 1! 1.5B 4-9 Compute the value ofn ...
132 MORE INTERESTFORMULAS 4-17 Find the value ofP for the following cash flow diagram. 3000 1250 rTT p=? 4-18 The following cash ...
Problems 133 each month, if the interest rate is 18%, compounded monthly? (~nswer:50 months) 4-30 For how many months, at an int ...
134 MORE INTERESTFORMULAS installments, based on an interest rate of 6%. The amortizationtable must include the following colqmn ...
-----.-- ..... ...-..---.-- Problems 135 smog control district has agreed to pay to the firm a lump sum of money to provide fo ...
------- 136 MORE INTERESTFORMULAS the principal. What is the nominal annual interest rate 4-68 A student bought a $75 used guita ...
---- ~-- -l------- Problems 137 she may expect to receive 8% nominal annual inter- was paid on money not in the account for the ...
u_......_.. ... ... ..- -...-.- - -- -- .- -_. --- --- r 138 MORE INTERESTFORMULAS end of 2 months, the total interest charge ...
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