Macro Photography
Chapter 6: The Photo Histogram Explained Our last “technical” subject involves getting the best exposure. Previously we discusse ...
It really isn't that hard or confusing. Plus, it can go a long way to getting us better exposure on our images! All the histogra ...
What you are seeing on the LCD screen is not necessarily what is going to show up on your computer. It is really easy to do a wh ...
Now that you have a "neutral" shot, take your first test shot. Make your first test photo under exposed. Check out the histogram ...
A sunset silhouette will give you one with spikes on both the left AND right, with a huge dip in the center. A scene with a lot ...
Then when you are shooting, you will instantly see where your photos can be improved and make the adjustments to your settings b ...
Chapter 7 : Miscellaneous Equipment When we think of doing macro/close-up photography, we generally think of spending a pleasant ...
Speaking of getting wet... Most of your macro shots are going to be down on the ground and you are going to be down there too. A ...
Talking about protection from the sun, don’t forget your sunglasses and sunscreen. We give up a lot for our “art” but there’s no ...
I realize that with your tripod, camera bag, rain gear and so on, you are going to be lugging around quite a bit, so here is a t ...
Be sure to have at least one water bottle. Being out in the wilds of a vacant lot can often provide such fascinating subjects th ...
That way, when you find a plant or web that strikes your fancy, you can dew cover it yourself. Just give it a spritz or two of w ...
Disclaimer - Be sure you don’t confuse your water bottle with your spritzer bottle. I have no idea if glycerin is harmful if you ...
Conclusion Give these pointers a try! I guarantee your macro/close-up photos are going to get better. In fact, I’d be amazed if ...
Fiction: The Photographer’s Apprentice (My First Novel!) Additional Photo Training Non ...
Volume 2: Master Photo Exposure Volume 3: Master Photo Shutter Speed Volume 4: Mas ...
Volume 5: Master Photo Lighting... Light 101 Volume 6: Photo Mastery - Shadows, Form And Texture http://a ...
Volume 8: Master Photo Lighting... Soft Light Volume 9: Photo Composition Mastery! ...
"POP!" Volume 11: Shazaam! Effectively Using Photo Reflectors and Photo Filters! V ...
Volume 13: Building A Portrait Volume 14: Essential Posing Secrets Volume 15: Posi ...
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