Cities of God: The Religion of the Italian Communes 1125-1325
366 BuoniCattolici gives as fruit the Eucharist, so central to the private and liturgical piety of communal Italy. The remaini ...
GoodCatholics atPrayer 367 this interpenetration of sacred power and worldly need is a vernacular Holy Week devotion from a fo ...
368 BuoniCattolici The charm of this prayer is somewhat lost in translation, which does not reproduce its rhymes, but the theo ...
GoodCatholics atPrayer 369 Through you infinite glory is given the Father, through you the Church stands united.^123 Here the ...
370 BuoniCattolici So the poem ends, with the expectation that the reader will do likewise. Extravagant claims for the Virgin’ ...
GoodCatholics atPrayer 371 Nevertheless, the Florentine woman’s ‘‘Marian’’ devotional collection mentioned earlier reveals a m ...
372 BuoniCattolici were probably even smaller. Nonetheless, manuscripts containing such works are by no means rare in Italian ...
GoodCatholics atPrayer 373 people. The second group, still well represented but less so than the moraliz- ing literature, cons ...
374 BuoniCattolici tues literature was the first religious literature written and consumed on a large scale by the Italian lai ...
GoodCatholics atPrayer 375 popular moralizing works have this ‘‘feminist’’ bent certainly suggests that they would also have a ...
376 BuoniCattolici ness can be found when carrying wine casks, selling combs, organizing hospi- tals, making shoes, and spendi ...
GoodCatholics atPrayer 377 carnis resurrectionem, vitam aeternam,provided an opportunity to elaborate on the general judgment, ...
378 BuoniCattolici ment of the penitent in confession (vices). Pietro da Bescape ́’s poetry served a catechetical purpose by e ...
GoodCatholics atPrayer 379 lay author, thePiato di Gesu Cristo,the ‘‘Pleading of Jesus Christ.’’ The idea of a court contest b ...
Chapter Ten World Without End. Amen. In communal Italy there was a proper way to die; everyone knew it.^1 The chronicler Giova ...
382 BuoniCattolici Sometimes we are privileged with a closer view. When Saint Pietro of Foli- gno received a revelation from G ...
WorldWithoutEnd.Amen. 383 freedom.^9 That freedom gave the power to surrender one’s soul to God without fear when death came. ...
384 BuoniCattolici At the death of the righteous, they were pregnant with power. God himself directed them. The semiliterate F ...
WorldWithoutEnd.Amen. 385 tolled her help at the time of death, but it was better to make more timely preparations. Those visi ...
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