What is Architectural History
Introduction 7 important thematic studies in architecture’s intellectual history of the last twenty years, adding considerable i ...
8 What is Architectural History? relationship of architectural history to its professional audi- ence, and the conceptual proble ...
1. Foundations of a modern discipline Antiquarians, historians, architects and archaeologists have long studied the architecture ...
10 What is Architectural History? been taught to aspiring architects in schools and academies of architecture, grounding student ...
Foundations of a modern discipline 11 Defi ning architecture historically Some scholars of architectural history defer to a cano ...
12 What is Architectural History? clues for the historian of society or technology, an architec- tural historian may wish to kno ...
Foundations of a modern discipline 13 the subject’s further enrichment. On the question of how to ‘do’ architectural history, th ...
14 What is Architectural History? architecture to remain relevant to present-day readers. Still, the architect of his De archite ...
Foundations of a modern discipline 15 artfully building with columns, beams and pediments – Rome’s architecture, too, became a w ...
16 What is Architectural History? Documentation versus advocacy De architectura illustrates a way of writing about architec- tur ...
Foundations of a modern discipline 17 fi fteenth century onwards assumed this role too. It is diffi cult to measure, from our pr ...
18 What is Architectural History? around technology: social interaction around the fi re; the orders around basic shelter. Alber ...
Foundations of a modern discipline 19 ing to work beyond history, and even when those measures are made outside of any concept o ...
20 What is Architectural History? biographical and historical accounts of the most renowned artists (then, as now) of the Italia ...
Foundations of a modern discipline 21 by the Warburg Institute researchers Ernst Kris and Otto Kurz.^14 The book rose to widespr ...
22 What is Architectural History? For Vasari among members of the Florentine Accademia del Disegno (est. 1562), artistic concept ...
Foundations of a modern discipline 23 those analysing works of architecture is one of the most persistent dimensions of architec ...
24 What is Architectural History? vacuum. The cultural history pioneered by Jacob Burckhardt in the nineteenth century was cruci ...
Foundations of a modern discipline 25 and skills of an individual.^20 Despite its enduring relevance to historical analysis and ...
26 What is Architectural History? of critical philology late in the nineteenth century and on into the twentieth. This manifesta ...
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