What is Architectural History
How useful? 107 subject: architecture in its history, acting on the problems of man in forging its modernity’.^15 From our prese ...
108 What is Architectural History? against the strains of early twentieth-century modern archi- tecture that had sought to put h ...
How useful? 109 Few architectural historians would today regard it as a bad idea to teach more architectural history to students ...
110 What is Architectural History? Tafuri called ‘false hopes’, which offered a poor reconcilia- tion of historical knowledge wi ...
How useful? 111 This might seem counter-intuitive: how would not helping architects to understand history in present-day terms m ...
112 What is Architectural History? with it. Both ideas of architectural history would be under- pinned by a knowledge of archite ...
How useful? 113 historiographical agenda, which Carr describes as the ‘buzzing’ of the bees in the historian’s bonnet. ‘If you c ...
114 What is Architectural History? other. The latter of these two ambitions promoted a form of historical instrumentalization ag ...
5. History and theory Problems in historicizing architecture So far in this book, we have considered several different origins f ...
116 What is Architectural History? of Croce’s critical philology or Tafuri’s critical historiogra- phy, the historical condition ...
History and theory 117 the stock of historical architecture, however defi ned, into the history of architectural ideas, and into ...
118 What is Architectural History? the means of intellectualizing the rules of architectural com- position, disposition, materia ...
History and theory 119 historians and the critical historians who followed them, even if the place of criticism, history and oth ...
120 What is Architectural History? from history. And when they are historians, they exhibit the criticality characterizing the t ...
History and theory 121 the humanities more generally at the end of the twentieth century. Ian Hunter describes this moment as fo ...
122 What is Architectural History? of the theory that Terry Eagleton wrote of as ‘critical self- refl ection... Theory of this k ...
History and theory 123 something to return to, and a-theoretical historians some- thing to cling to. We are, of course, presenti ...
124 What is Architectural History? study in architectural history was largely the domain of the Ph.D. in the discipline of art h ...
History and theory 125 tectural history theory in the 1960s and 1970s introduced French critical theory to a French architecture ...
126 What is Architectural History? architectural theory and critical architectural history as written in a theoretical genre. It ...
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