What is Architectural History
Organizing the past 67 historically. As we have seen, this failure has allowed for vibrant discussions and important conceptual ...
68 What is Architectural History? instructions for other architects (the Italian word trattazione best captures this technique), ...
Organizing the past 69 Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand (SAHANZ), Macarthur and Moulis observe one ...
10 Ampio Magnifi co Collegio, by Giovanni Battista Piranesi, fi rst published in his Opera varie di architettura, prospettive, g ...
Organizing the past 71 expression of historical consciousness intimately tied to the work of architects. Whatever the larger con ...
72 What is Architectural History? architecture analogous to technology and information systems, to politics, to society, to medi ...
Organizing the past 73 addition to Tafuri’s own books on political and ideological themes, which concern settings as diverse as ...
74 What is Architectural History? Douglas Coupland’s Microserfs (1995) as evidence of a mid- 1990s fascination with this techno- ...
Organizing the past 75 None of these books’ editors or authors would uncondi- tionally position these as volumes of architectura ...
3. Evidence It seems straightforward to observe that the content of archi- tectural history is architecture, historically consid ...
Evidence 77 interacts with conceptual parameters. Architectural histori- ans pose their questions of evidence, but the questions ...
78 What is Architectural History? the poor fortunes of Phineas G. Nanson in A. S. Byatt’s The Biographer’s Tale.^1 This is not t ...
Evidence 79 are different kinds of questions, and their ‘answers’ rely upon different kinds of material – and by extension upon ...
80 What is Architectural History? course of the project, from conception to completion, and suggest reasons for those changes. W ...
Evidence 81 Put simply, what is properly evidential at any given moment or for any given problem in the history of architec- tur ...
82 What is Architectural History? tools for placing the architect in his or her intellectual and professional context and for or ...
Evidence 83 behaviour, trade and exchange, political and religious events, or as a knowledge system, or an analogy or interlocut ...
84 What is Architectural History? twentieth century the fi eld opened up to include drawings and such other documents as Burckha ...
Evidence 85 the end of the twentieth century. As a result, architectural historians might now begin with a building as easily as ...
86 What is Architectural History? critical, have over decades adapted extensively from a range of historical and other analytica ...
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