Encyclopedia of Society and Culture in the Ancient World
Mago in about 350 b.c.e. be translated for Rome’s use. Th e Carthaginians also bred and traded prized Arabian horses. Much of Ca ...
As trade with Egypt increased, the region’s power grew, but during the Middle Kingdom (2040–1640 b.c.e.) Egypt expanded into Nub ...
EGYPT BY KIRK H. BEETZ In modern works Egyptian history is subdivided into three kingdoms—Old, Middle, and New—and 31 dynasties. ...
Th e Greek historians mention a Seventh Dynasty, per- haps dominated by the northern city of Memphis, or Mit Rahina. Most modern ...
NEW KINGDOM (CA. 1550–CA. 1070 B.C.E.) Th e 18th Dynasty (ca. 1550–ca. 1307 b.c.e.) began with Ah- mose (r. ca. 1550–ca. 1525 b. ...
or s o ye a rs , du r i ng t he reig n of R a m s e s X I (r. c a. 110 0 – c a. 1070 b.c.e.). In about 1087 b.c.e. the governor ...
Th e fi rst pharaoh of the Twenty-sixth Dynasty (ca. 672– 525 b.c.e.) was Neko I (r. 672–664 b.c.e.) of Sais. He was an Assyrian ...
trators became kings, regarded as chosen by the gods to rule. Archaeologists and historians have divided ancient Mesopo- tamia i ...
tary, economic, and cultural power under the Kassite kings. It was oft en at war with Assyria to its north, but it was allied by ...
in 1595 b.c.e., Assyria became a vassal state of Mitanni. In the 1300s b.c.e. Mitanni became part of the Hittite Empire, cre- at ...
ranean Sea have sometimes been credited with the fall of the Hittites, but internal troubles seem to have been more sig- nifi ca ...
(Asia Minor) and created an effi cient intelligence service. He determined how much each province could pay in taxes and then ta ...
MAGADHA One of the mahajanapadas was Magadha, the kingdom that would create the fi rst Indian empire (684–26 b.c.e.). By 400 b.c ...
his reign as a golden age for the arts, while noting that most Indians had good lives. He was succeeded by Kumāragupta (r. ca. 4 ...
CHINA’S QIN DYNASTY One of history’s most remarkable people is the emperor Zheng (r. 221–210 b.c.e.), who ruled the Qin province ...
Huangdi and his family that when they were deposed soon aft er his death, every last one was executed. Qin Shi Huangdi had bragg ...
fi rst king was Onjo (r. 18 b.c.e.–28 c.e.). Paekche was heavily infl uenced by China, which had trading colonies in it. Th e ki ...
ETRUSCANS Studying the ancient Etruscans can quickly make clear the problems historians have in reconstructing Europe’s past. Th ...
achievement at that time was to convince many of the frac- tious Celts of Gaul that they should think of themselves as one peopl ...
Latin and followed many Roman customs; although they made Iberia an independent kingdom, for diplomatic matters they acknowledge ...
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