Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)
Practice Exercises The Practice Exercises presented here are primarily designed to elaborate and expand on several concepts that ...
terms of theith subject’s mean response: logitmi¼PðD¼ 1 jRXÞ¼b 0 þb 1 RXiþb 0 iþb 1 iRXi; whereb 0 ifollows a normal distributio ...
The next set of exercises is designed to illustrate how an individual level odds ratio can differ from a population averaged (ma ...
Subject 1 E¼ 1 E¼ 0 D¼ 15025 D¼ 05075 Total 100 100 Subject 2 E¼ 1 E¼ 0 D¼ 12010 D¼ 08090 Total 100 100 Pooled subjects E¼ 1 E¼ ...
Test True or false (Circle T or F) T F 1. A model with subject-specific random effects is an example of a marginal model. T F 2. ...
State the logit form of Model 1 in terms of the mean response of theith subject. Use Model 1 to estimate the odds ratios for RX ...
Answers to Practice Exercises The odds ratio for the data in Table 1 and Table 2 is 9. The correlation for the data in Table 1 ...
in the subject-specific baseline risk, the population averaging for a marginal odds ratio attenuates (i.e., weakens) the effect ...
Appendix: Computer Programs for Logistic Regression In this appendix, we provide examples of computer programs to carry out unco ...
CAT – A dichotomous predictor variable indicating high (coded 1) or normal (coded 0) catecholamine level. AGE – A continuous var ...
ESTROGEN – A dichotomous variable indicating whether the subject ever (coded 1) or never (coded 0) used estrogen. SUBTYPE – A th ...
The variables are defined as follows: FRACTURE – A dichotomous variable coded 1 for a knee fracture, 0 for no knee fracture (obt ...
For this example, we shall use the SAS permanent datasetevans.sas7bdat. A LIB- NAME statement is needed to indicate the path to ...
The output produced by PROC LOGISTIC follows: The LOGISTIC Procedure Model Information Data Set REF.EVANS Response Variable chd ...
Estimated Covariance Matrix Variable Intercept cat age chl ecg Intercept 1.575061 0.66288 0.01361 0.00341 0.04312 CAT 0.662 ...
in the MODEL statement are preceded by a forward slash. The code that follows runs the same model as the preceding PROC LOGISTIC ...
Criteria for Assessing Goodness of Fit Criterion DF Value Value/DF Deviance 600 347.2295 0.5787 Scaled Deviance 600 347.2295 0.5 ...
hypertensive subject with a 220 cholesterol count isexp(0.1960)¼1.2166. The estimated odds ratio for CAT¼1 vs. CAT¼0 for a nonhy ...
The code to run the model in PROC GENMOD using the dataset EVANS2 is: PROC GENMOD DATA¼EVANS2; MODEL CASES/TOTAL¼CAT AGEGRP ECG ...
The LOGISTIC Procedure Analysis of Maximum Likelihood Estimates Parameter DF Estimate Standard Error Wald Chi-Square Pr>ChiSq ...
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