Thoughts to Build On
Chapter 36 Do The Thing And You Will Have The Power Fortunately, I learned one of the most useful facts of life at an early age. ...
How can this be possible, that the act of doing something generates the power to do it? One answer comes from the psychologists. ...
Thomas Edison believed that the power of his ideas came from "space". In the late years of his idea-filled life, Thomas Edison s ...
Chapter 37 LAUGH ... Your Way Through Life You meet them everywhere-the Hypersensitive Ones! They find in every personal comment ...
They are more to be pitied than condemned, because they suffer much more than do their understand- ably annoyed but nevertheless ...
be inappropriate. But you will find that such times, in- evitable as they are, are proportionately few. N or am I suggesting tha ...
Do you have an enemy? Then, if you have the courage (and the ability to defend yourseH), laugh at himl There is nothing which so ...
Chapter 38 It's Right To Do It Wrong! Psychologists have discovered an amazingly successful technique for eliminating undesirabl ...
bad habits is often exceedingly difficult. As the old Spanish proverb says, «Habits begin as cobwebs and end as cables." When th ...
to stop it, the stronger you make the habit-impulse. So how do you eliminate a bad habit? There really are many ways, but here w ...
even more resolutely your will not to do it. Sooner or later -usually sooner-you will eliminate the bad habit. Let's consider a ...
both of which are easily accomplished by training and especially practice, so we won't attempt to detail the pro- cedure to its ...
makes an unfavorable personality impression on others. This involuntary habit can quickly be cured and bene- u.cial relaxation r ...
Chapter 39 Walk Toward Danger When I was a very young man, just starting out in business-without education, without money, with- ...
or without a college education, can long be a leader unless he instinctively walks toward danger and naturally stands between hi ...
Chapter 40 Grapple! It has always been so, and the big word in problem-solving today is «GRAPPLE". This word "grapple" is the pr ...
come into our lives, is really good for us, although it may not seem so at the time. Life without risks and obstacles and proble ...
physical illness, too, can be traced back to the accumulating burdens of unsolved problems. The only preventive is to solve your ...
In the first place, there seldom is exclusively "one best solution" to most problems. There are often a number of "equally good ...
Life pays its highest rewards in fame and for- tune to the problem-solvers! The world is filling up with people, and this circum ...
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