Thoughts to Build On
How much better it is to know that, while by natural process you haven't been created equal-you still can, by persistence and de ...
said «human race" -not any specific race. So, let's sit be- fore that quiet, thoughtful President and again listen care- fully a ...
Chapter 29 How To Avoid Or Get Rid Of Resentment Resentment is one of the most prevalent and dangerous emotional ills that befal ...
especially emotional, well-being. They expect (and in- wardly demand) undying gratitude for favors, attentions or services, even ...
emotional tension, irritation and often severe anguish that all of us should: ( 1) Learn to avoid resentment. (2) Get rid of any ...
in the form of resentment? In various ways, and here are a few: IGNORE it! The cultivated· art of being able to ignore real or i ...
shrinking. And you don't have to be a Marine General tp do it. You can be an elderly, quiet, courteous, dis- tinguished gentlema ...
Remember, your resentment doesn't hurt the person against whom you harbor the resentment. It hurts only you. So why deliberately ...
future. So re-read this chapter. It tells you what resent- ment really is, what unhappiness it can cause you, and how to avoid i ...
you. Otherwise, if you permit his resentment to exist, he will continue to act toward you in a way which will continue to arouse ...
Chapter 30 Don't Attract To You-Go To Them! Personal magnetism is a very desirable quality. There are great personal benefits to ...
that suggestion and I often have, and still do, recommend it. Then those of us who trained salesmen and taught management used t ...
will together build a fortress of mutual belief and he will forever be your ally in defending it. Find out where another's desir ...
"Here are the personal qualifications which we require of all applicants for this particular job." It used to be that the way to ...
to-when you are «in". Then, the more improvements you can suggest, the faster you will succeed. But I want to briefly review for ...
Chapter 31 "Be Prepared" There is much wisdom to be found in mottoes. One of the wisest of all is the motto of the Boy Scouts: " ...
Nor is it proper for us to complain; because, in complaining we would, in justice, have to define such of our terms as "misfortu ...
Perhaps, life's being a miracle explains our inability to describe its terms. But even if we do not know what "misfortune" is an ...
with triumph and disaster", and as Kipling advised, «treat those two imposters just the same". Yes, the graph-lines of every lif ...
Chapter 32 TALK.! ... A Way To Success How you talk... what you say... to whom you say it, and when... may well determine the de ...
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