Thoughts to Build On
without stammering so incoherently that I could not recite in school and had to be excused from making the then- required high s ...
and louder-until I was speaking at (and above) natural volume. In easy steps, I talked to myself in the mirror, then to individu ...
( 1) ASK others to give you the information you need to succeed. (2) ASK others to do what you want them to do to help you succe ...
but active. That's some practice, but not enough. The best way to learn to speak fluently is to over-do it. Since you can't do t ...
Don't overlook the advantages of improving the quality of your speaking voice. Read several of the many excellent, self-help boo ...
able ideas. And you should suggest new ideas frequently. The point I want to make is: "play it safe". Always offer your suggesti ...
Chapter 33 TALI{! ... A Way To Health Probably this chapter should be more accurately titled: "TALK I ... A Way To Mental and Em ...
proportions of both. The proportions may vary greatly, being mostly mental or mostly physical, but almost invari- ably both caus ...
damage there is, of course, the entire spectrum of basically mental illnesses, ranging from simple self-consciousness to violent ...
OJ. some unwanted thought or act, resulting in a build-up of emotional tension and continued mental stress, that this increasing ...
mentally ill. Nevertheless, because of their vast knowledge, training and experience, they often can cure simple mental stresses ...
such as being self-conscious and embarrassed around peo- ple and therefore not being a fluent conversationalist, you do not have ...
sion. The list of the benefits of talk could go on and on- but I suggest you consider talk specifically in tenns of any problem ...
Chapter 34 LISTEN! ... AWay To Help There are two sides to every coin. In the two previous chapters, we have been looking at one ...
ATED!" ... remember that we said those invisible signs told us clearly how the other person wanted to be treated? Your success, ...
preceding Chapter 33: "TALK ... A Way To Health"). To «talk them out" a disturbed person needs a listener who is sympathetic, un ...
Chapter 35 When It Gets Darkest ... One of the world's greatest historians, having devoted a lifetime to studying and recording ...
John Stuart Mill, who later was to become the great English philosopher and economist, suffered a severe attack of mental illnes ...
"When it gets darkest, the stars come out." Dr. Karl Menninger, world-famous psychiatrist, records in his excellent book, "The V ...
nearby, a mother with her little girl, often passed it on their daily walks. As they passed Lincoln's home, the mother told her ...
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