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cycle of violence:Conflict, violence, apology, and reconciliation.With each repetition, the violence can escalate. demandingness ...
ethnic group:A group of people who share a common cultural heritage. ethnocentrism:The belief one culture is superior to others. ...
fatuous love:High in passion and commitment, but low in intimacy. fault divorce:One spouse must be at fault for the marriage’s f ...
indulgent parenting style:More responsive and less demanding of certain behaviors. Industrial Revolution:(1750–1830) A time of r ...
monogamy:A form of marriage in which a person has one spouse at a time. This is the law in all 50 states of the United States. m ...
patriarchal authority:Belief men have authority over women and children and are responsible for their behavior. patrilineal fami ...
redemptioner:A person who agreed to a period of servitude in return for passage to the New World; a redemptioner might also serv ...
stage 1:In the Nichols’marital life cycle, this stage involves separating from parents and establishing an identity as a couple. ...
they have a low rate of divorce; (Olson-Fowers definition) Dissatisfaction in areas of communication, but satisfaction with exte ...
Acemoglu, D.,Autor, D., & Lyle, D. (2002). Women, war and wages: The effect of female labor supply on the wage structure at ...
Ambert,A. (2001).Families in the new millennium.Boston:Allyn and Bacon. AmericanAssociation of Matrimonial Lawyers. (2000).Makin ...
Balswick, J., & Balswick, J. (2006).A Model for Marriage.Downers Grove, IL: Intervarsity Press. Balswick, J., & Balswick ...
Beedon, L., Southworth, L., & Gist, J. (2006). The state of 50+America, 2006 research report.American Association of Retired ...
Bramlett, M., & Mosher, W. (2002). Cohabitation, marriage, divorce, and remarriage in the United States.Vital and Health Sta ...
Carter, B., & McGoldrick, M. (Eds.). (1999).The expanded family life cycle. Boston:Allyn and Bacon. Carter, B., & McGold ...
Children’s Defense Fund. (2004). Children and families in crisis.The State of America’s Children: 2004. Washington, DC: Children ...
Coontz, S. (1992).The way we never were: American families and the nostalgia trap.New York: Basic Books. Coontz, S. (1999, Novem ...
DeFrain, J. (1999, Winter). Strong families around the world.Journal of the Australian Institute of Family Studies, 53, 6–13. De ...
Durr, M., & Hill, S. (2006).Race, work and family in the lives of African-Americans.NewYork: Rowman and Littlefield. Dush, C ...
Erickson, E. (1950).Childhood and society.NewYork: Norton. Erickson, E. (1963).Childhood and society.NewYork: Norton. Erickson, ...
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