Creating a Successful Leadership Style
ROWMAN & LITTLEFIELD PUBLISHERS, INC. Lanham • New York • Toronto • Plymouth, UK Ro w m a n & Li t tL e f i eL d ed u c ...
Published by Rowman & Littlefield Education A division of Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc. A wholly owned subsidiar ...
To my LSW (long-suffering wife), Christine, and my children, Stephen and Danielle, who had less of me as a husband and father th ...
v Foreword vii Bruce S. Cooper Preface xi Introduction xv 1 Always Be a Role Model 1 2 Don’t Exacerbate; Defuse 11 3 Speak Littl ...
vi Contents 14 “Always Remember What’s Important” Appendix A: Guidelines for Marking and Grading Appendix B: Sample Weekly Bull ...
vii Attracting quality new leadership in education, particularly for those be- coming effective school principals, is a truly di ...
viii Foreword curricula and instruction, without trying to overmanage the staff in the classroom. These real examples give life ...
Foreword ix within the box,” not breaking the larger rules and contexts, for fear that a leader will go too far and possibly los ...
xi Preface Does anyone need another book on educational leadership? Probably not. Yet, when we consider that few talented educat ...
xii Preface a teacher, you developed a repertoire so you could better motivate your students to higher levels of achievement. So ...
Preface xiii Is this book relevant to you if you do not plan to become a school leader? Yes. If you are interested in how the mi ...
xv How often does a school leader reflect on what he or she does on a day-to- day basis? When your day is filled with training a ...
1 This sounds simple, but it is of paramount importance. People, whether they are students, parents, teachers, or any of the oth ...
Mr. Thelen found no substantive curriculum materials. There was a one-page list of spelling words for each of the eight semester ...
Mr. Thelen’s new school needed such uniform lesson plans; however, there was no time to get committees together or to align such ...
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