David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants
community college. She got As in both, as well as an A in every class she took in high school. She got perfect scores on every o ...
nineteenth-century neighborhood of redbrick Georgian and Colonial buildings on the top of a gently sloping hill. It might be the ...
because she loved the sound of everything. She ended up in Introductory Chemistry, Spanish, a class called the Evolution of Lang ...
3. Did Caroline Sacks make the right choice? Most of us would say that she did. When she went on that whirlwind tour with her fa ...
World Report, Brown routinely places among the top ten or twenty colleges in the United States. The University of Maryland finis ...
League school. It was the place where reputations were made. And what made it special was how selective it was. There were rough ...
one step to take,” Duret wrote to Pissarro in 1874. “That is to succeed in becoming known to the public and accepted by all the ...
stretching up to the ceiling. Only paintings that met with the unanimous approval of the jury were hung “on the line,” at eye le ...
own show, they said, they wouldn’t be bound by the restrictive rules of the Salon, where Olympia was considered an outrage and w ...
Boulevard des Capucines on the top floor of a building that had just been vacated by a photographer. It was a series of small ro ...
“The Impressionists were lost in the mass of Salon paintings, even when accepted,” the art historians Harrison White and Cynthia ...
those on the inside. They have all of the support that comes from community and friendship—and they are places where innovation ...
famous exhibition. If you tried to buy the paintings in that warren of top-floor rooms today, it would cost you more than a bill ...
most prestigious universities in the world. She chose the Salon over the three rooms on Boulevard des Capucines—and she ended up ...
4. The trouble for Caroline Sacks began in the spring of her freshman year, when she enrolled in chemistry. She was probably tak ...
what the professor suggested. She retook the course in the fall of her sophomore year. But she barely did any better. She got a ...
who had been exposed to stuff I had never even heard of. So I was trying not to be naive about that.” But chemistry was beyond w ...
molecule you’ve never seen before, and they ask you to make another one you’ve never seen before, and you have to get from this ...
organic chemistry. She was miserable and angry. She didn’t want to be working on organic chemistry at three in the morning, when ...
subject of much pride to be able to say that, you know, ‘I’m a seven-year-old girl, and I love bugs! And I want to study them, a ...
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