Synthetic Inorganic Chemistry
210 ELEMENTS OF GROUP III What causes the green color of the flame, and why is it not observed with borax alone? Repeat if neces ...
SODIUM PERBORATE 211 dry keeps fairly well, but if it is left suspended in the solution it gradually loses oxygen and the sodium ...
212 ELEMENTS OF GROUP III into the first one with stirring and observe the decolorization and the evolution of a gas. Again comp ...
ANHYDROUS ALUMINUM BROMIDE 213 safety tube (Fig. 23, on page 191). The gas will then pass into the flask containing the aluminum ...
214 ELEMENTS OF GROUP III extreme violence that it is safe to let the vapor only of bromine come in contact with the metal. Alum ...
ANHYDROUS ALUMINUM BROMIDE 215 fectly dry. The glass tube may be heated, if necessary, in order to sustain the reaction. Some un ...
216 ELEMENTS OF GROUP III Is the solution clear or cloudy? Is the salt in the dilute aqueous solution extensively hydrolyzed? P ...
AMPHOTERIC SUBSTANCES 217 Aluminum Hydroxide. Add NH4OH to an aluminum sulphate solution until a strong odor of ammonia persist ...
218 ELEMENTS OF GROUP III precipitate remains unaffected, but after the NH4OH is all neutralized (shown by the solution ceasing ...
GENERAL QUESTIONS VI 219 GENERAL QUESTIONS VI ELEMENTS OF GROUP III Make a table of all the elements of Group III, giving in su ...
CHAPTER VII HEAVY METALS OF GROUPS I AND II OF THE PERIODIC SYSTEM The metals coming under this heading constitute the right- ha ...
CRYSTALLIZED COPPER SULPHATE 221 laboratory, nitric acid instead of air will be employed as the oxidizing agent. 3Cu + 2HNO 3 = ...
222 HEAVY METALS OF GROUPS I AND II centrated sulphuric acid. Analyze this reaction, and show in what manner the copper is oxidi ...
CUPROUS CHLORIDE 223 insoluble CuCl only in proportion to its first power. Therefore reaction (3) runs to the left and reaction ...
224 HEAVY METALS OF GROUPS I AND II changes to a very light brown. Do not heat more than 15 min- utes. While the reduction is ta ...
CUPROUS OXIDE 225 move the filter paper, and break up the cake. Rest the watch glass on a wooden ring or on a beaker and set in ...
226 HEAVY METALS OF GROUPS I AND II Apparatus: 8-inch porcelain dish. 2-liter common bottle, suction filter and trap bottle, iro ...
AMMONIO-COPPER SULPHATE 227 QUESTIONS Treat 0.25 gram of the product with 5 cc. of hot 6N H 2 SO 4. Note carefully the appearan ...
228 HEAVY METALS OF GROUPS I AND II by slow diffusion is to insure the formation of large, well-defined crystals. Materials: cop ...
ZINC OXIDE 229 QUESTIONS What is the reaction between Cu++ and OH~ ions? To a little 1N CuSO* add 6 N NaOH drop by drop, until ...
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