Simple Nature - Light and Matter
nearly zero. By Faraday’s law, then, the emf around this loop is nearly zero. Now consider figure l/3. The flux through the inte ...
a/James Clerk Maxwell (1831- 1879) b/Where is the moving charge responsible for this magnetic field? 11.6 Maxwell’s equations 11 ...
c/An Amperian` surface su- perimposed on the landscape. d/An electron jumps through a hoop. e/An alternative Amperian` surface. ...
f/A magnetic field in the form of a sine wave. g/The wave pattern is curly. For example, the circulation around this reactangle ...
i/An impossible wave pattern. and Maxwell’s equations become ΦE= 0 ΦB= 0 ΓE=− ∂ΦB ∂t c^2 ΓB= ∂ΦE ∂t . The equation Φ = 0 has alr ...
j/Example 23. The incident and reflected waves are drawn offset from each other for clar- ity, but are actually on top of each o ...
k/Red and blue light travel at the same speed. l/Bright and dim light travel at the same speed. m/A nonsinusoidal wave. standing ...
waves, then this might be surprising. A material object with more energy goes faster, but that’s not the case for waves. The cir ...
n/The magnetic field of the wave. The electric field, not shown, is perpendicular to the page. second, the zero-point is located ...
Multiplying these last two equations by each other, we get c^2 B ̃E ̃=v^2 E ̃B ̃ c^2 =v^2 v=±c. This is the desired result. (The ...
momentum and energy are related by the equationU=p/c, where pis the magnitude of the momentum vector, andU=Ue+Umis the sum of th ...
p/A classical calculation of the momentum of a light wave. An antenna of length`is bathed in an electromagnetic wave. The black ...
Discussion question A. Discussion question B. Discussion questions C and D. a single thing traveling in a single direction, wher ...
11.7 Electromagnetic properties of materials Different types of matter have a variety of useful electrical and mag- netic proper ...
a/A capacitor with a dielec- tric between the plates. only penetrates to a very small depth, called the skin depth. In the limit ...
b/A stud finder is used to locate the wooden beams, or studs, that form the frame behind the wallboard. It is a capacitor whose ...
c/The magnetic version of figure a. A magnetically perme- able material is placed at the center of a solenoid. d/Example 24: a c ...
e/Example 24: without the iron core, the field is so weak that it barely deflects the compass. With it, the deflection is nearly ...
resulting in cancellation. The opposite of differential mode is called common mode. In common mode, all conductors have currents ...
h/A frog is levitated dia- magnetically by the nonuniform field inside a powerful magnet. Evidently frog hasμ<μo. i/At a boun ...
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