The Story Of Lord Shiva’s Marriage With Parvati
[Note—The concept of “Hari Bhakti”, meaning having undiluted devotion and a sense of absolute surrender and loyalty to one’s cho ...
The methods by which Bhakti can be established and made to bloom in one’s heart are narrated in verse nos. 34-42 as follows—to a ...
A true and sincere devotee of the Lord acquires a holy aura around him which makes him effuse divinity and holiness similar to t ...
kahata sunata raghupati guna gāthā. kachu dina tahām̐ rahē girināthā. 5. muni sana bidā māgi tripurārī. calē bhavana sam̐ga dacc ...
himself as a cow and made the Creator Brahma a calf. They went to these ponds and drank the nectar. The demons were so dazed by ...
tēhi avasara bhan̄jana mahibhārā. hari raghubansa līnha avatārā. 7. pitā bacana taji rāju udāsī. daṇḍaka bana bicarata abināsī. ...
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while he was passing overhead the forest through the path of the sky. It could only happen if Lord Ram himself decides to create ...
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This entire episode is narrated in Ram Charit Manas, Aranya Kand, from Chaupai line no. 3 that precedes Doha no. 17—to Doha no. ...
In this context, refer to Ram Charit Manas, Baal Kand, from Chaupai line no. 1 that precedes Doha no. 113—to Chaupai line no. 8 ...
and captivating to look at that it appears that he is like an endless ocean of beauty. This fact has been reiterated elsewhere a ...
of Lord Ram, and in fact this story of Ram Charit Manas was conceived by him in his Mana (heart and mind) and then was first rev ...
the form of Sita would be violative of ethical norms, and that Lord Shiva would not like her doubting his wisdom and assuming th ...
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wisdom, and it causes so much perplexities and confusions in him as if he has been bitten by a serpent.] ¡lÁ¬ ¬ ̋ª≈U Ÿ ∑§„U©U ÷ ...
Brahma, have often approached me when they themselves could not find an answer to confounding issues faced by them. Therefore, i ...
sōraṭhā. lāga na ura upadēsu jadapi kahē'u sivam̐ bāra bahu. bōlē bihasi mahēsu harimāyā balu jāni jiyam̐. 51. Though Lord Shiva ...
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Even in Shiva’s abode in Mt. Kailash, there is a banayan tree under which he sits to rest and meditate—refer: Ram Charit Manas, ...
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