The Story Of Lord Shiva’s Marriage With Parvati
When Sati observed the behaviour and attitude of Shiva (that clearly hinted at his disenchantment with her), Sati’s heart trembl ...
taham̐ puni sambhu samujhi pana āpana. baiṭhē baṭa tara kari kamalāsana. 7. saṅkara sahaja sarūpu samhārā. lāgi samādhi akhaṇḍa ...
nita nava sōcu satī ura bhārā. kaba jaiha'um̐ dukha sāgara pārā. 1. maiṁ jō kīnha raghupati apamānā. puni patibacanu mṛṣā kari j ...
¡ı¥ ¬ ̋÷È ŒËŸŒÿÊ‹È ∑§„UÊflÊ – •Ê⁄UÁà „U⁄UŸ ’Œ ¡‚È ªÊflÊH 6H Ãı ◊Ò¥ Á’Ÿÿ ∑§⁄U©°U ∑§⁄U ¡Ù⁄UË – ¿ÍU≈U©UU ’Áª Œ„U ÿ„U ◊Ù⁄UËH 7H ¡ ...
tau sabadarasī suni'a prabhu kara'u sō bēgi upā'i. hō'i maranu jēhiṁ binahiṁ śrama dusaha bipaniā bihā'i. 59. ---Then oh all-kno ...
These two apparently opposing situations had to be recoinciled. The only way was to “purify Sati’s tainted body” so that she bec ...
(^2) This is because while he remained totally oblivious of his surroundings during the period of Samadhi, when he left it he be ...
new birth, came to Lord Shiva to ask the Lord to tell her the story of Lord Ram once again because she was still confused about ...
Dharma, one was married to Agni (Fire God), one to all the Pittars (spirits of dead ancestors who have become demi-gods), and on ...
’«∏U •Áœ∑§Ê⁄U Œë¿U ¡’ ¬ÊflÊ – •Áà •Á÷◊ÊŸÈ NUŒÿ° Ã’ •ÊflÊH 7H Ÿ®„U ∑§Ù©U •‚ ¡Ÿ◊Ê ¡ª ◊Ê„UË¥ – ¬ ̋÷ÈÃÊ ¬Êß ¡ÊÁ„U ◊Œ ŸÊ„UË¥H 8H baṛa ...
kinnara nāga sid'dha gandharbā. badhunha samēta calē sura sarbā. 1. biṣnu biran̄ci mahēsu bihā'ī. calē sakala sura jāna banā'ī. ...
Shiva sends his disciple named Veerbhadra to destroy the fire sacrifice of Daksha and punish the gods—refer: Ram Charit Manas, B ...
’Ù‹Ë ‚ÃË ◊ŸÙ„U⁄U ’ÊŸË – ÷ÿ ‚¢∑§Ùø ¬ ̋◊ ⁄U‚ ‚ÊŸËH 8H bōlī satī manōhara bānī. bhaya saṅkōca prēma rasa sānī. 8. [But, unable to ...
He once took an offense at me in the heavenly court of Brahma, the creator, and ever since that time he has been insulting me^2. ...
But Shiva’s insult did not go down well with Nandi (the Bull) who is his devout follower and mount. So Nandi counter-cursed Daks ...
father’s place when he has completely neglected us, but you seem to be adamant. So, I think that it is wise for me to keep quiet ...
her husband had been excommunicated from the community of gods so that he could not participate and take his share of the offeri ...
(^2) Refer notes appended to Chaupai line nos. 1-6 that precede Doha no. 62 herein above.] ¬ÊÁ¿U‹ ŒÈπÈ Ÿ NUŒÿ° •‚ CÿÊ¬Ê – ¡‚ ÿ„U ...
siva apamānu na jā'i sahi hṛdayam̐ na hō'i prabōdha. sakala sabhahi haṭhi haṭaki taba bōlīṁ bacana sakrōdha. 63. Insult to Lord ...
this body of mine is produced by his sperms (because most unfortunately I happen to be his daughter) [6]. (5-6) ÃÁ¡„U©°U ÃÈ⁄Uà Œ ...
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