Sustainability and National Security
Canada, Russia, Brazil, China, and most European countries are states parties but the United States is not. The United States, h ...
numbers of migrants without difficulty. A number of complex legal issues would still require resolution, however. As a general r ...
recourse at the border. While denial of entry may also occur in the case of refugees, refugees are more likely to be admitted an ...
and pull from climate change losers to climate change winners will grow in intensity. At that point the in- ternational communit ...
simple and legalistic, such as a mechanism for renun- ciation and acquisition of nationality (United Nations High Commissioner f ...
ones, can already be projected to run through some of the most populous regions, in Asia, for example, debilitating weak states ...
change could wreak humanitarian disaster. As the global population increases from six to nine or ten billion (Gillis and Dugger ...
how additionally complicated the situation would be if major powers such as the United States and China were themselves heavily ...
champions inviolable borders against a borderless (or transnational) phenomenon like climate change is unsustainable. The likely ...
ways to refugees, there are marked differences, one of which would be the fact climate change may preclude a return to the place ...
References Asian Development Bank. 2011. “Policy options to support climate-induced migration in Asia and the Pacific - Policy d ...
Evans, Alex. 2010. Resource Scarcity, Climate Change and the Risk of Violent Conflict. World Develop- ment Report 2011. http://s ...
International Organization for Migration. 2011a. Cli- mate Change, Environmental Degradation andMigra- tion, ...
Khagram, Sanjeev, William Clark, and Dana Raad. “From the environment and human security to sustainable security and developmen ...
Raleigh, Clionadh and Henrik Urdal. 2008-2009. “Cli- mate change, demography, environmental degra- dation, and armed conflict.” ...
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. 2009a. Climate Change and Statelessness: An Overview. ...
PURSUING THE DELTA Maximizing Opportunities to Integrate Sustainability in the Funding Process Kimberly A. O’Keefe 9 ...
Part I. Establishing the Context Recognizing Sustainability as an Operational Necessity The Chief of Staff of the Army, General ...
and security reasons. However, the campaigns in Iraq and Afghanistan have demonstrated that this reliance is an even greater imm ...
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