Sustainability and National Security
cally powerful individuals who can bend the legal system with impunity, it is difficult for the Green agenda to survive, much le ...
trols and mishandling of toxic materials also created long-term contamination of land and water resources. Mismanagement and fai ...
The environmental legacy of Soviet nuclear arms program affected other former Soviet Republics as well as Russia. Kazakhstan and ...
be a difficult and expensive problem, which will take additional years to fully address (NTI 2011, Russia/ Chemical). Further, t ...
stockpiles have increased global security. While is- sues of rogue sale, or theft, of weapons materials are not so prominent tod ...
its, the lowered life expectancy and loss of population documented in official reports. These reports provide evidence of ongoin ...
Many Russians are exposed continually to un- healthy conditions. Half of all Russians, and up to as much as 70% in some areas, u ...
of high or very high levels of air pollution (Yablokov 2010). Another contributing factor is that increased economic prosperity ...
446). As cover is diminished, the problem is acceler- ated. The extent of cutting is not well documented, as the areas involved ...
sis, recognized by Russia’s government as its number one security issue, but one that has historically not been met very success ...
Kremlin Priorities Environmental protection remains an unmet secu- rity need in Russia. Economic hard times in the 1990s turned ...
Russian citizens were squandered or funneled off into private hands. Those with connections or some cash were able to leverage t ...
A strategy to rebuild the economy before attend- ing to environmental problems should be put in the context of Russia’s vastness ...
In 2011, President Medvedev touted the goal of technology development to diversify the economy so that it does not rely on the e ...
Rebuilding the military has not been Russia’s only strategy. The Kremlin has also taken steps to increase security through other ...
In the realm of nuclear energy production for domestic use, Russia signed an agreement with the IAEA (International Atomic Energ ...
Arctic. Putin has urged nations bordering the Arctic to reach agreement on exploration of the mineral re- sources (Reuters 2010; ...
ter financed and politically stronger. Russian power elites have shown no interest in embracing sustain- ability as a national p ...
both intellectual capital and labor sources and be in- creasingly unable to maintain the integrity of the long border it shares ...
commitments to address climate change. A decade of continuous U.S. involvement in global conflicts, with continuing involvement ...
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