Addressing chronic poverty The following five key policy responses presented in the second chronic poverty report (2008) refer t ...
Bringing services to the chronically poor is certainly a challenge but it is worth keeping in mind that interventions in reprodu ...
Tackling child chronic poverty Fundamentally progressive social change is essential for tackling chronic poverty. Existing socia ...
Support measures to promote children’s, and especially girls’ right, to be heard and to participate in decisions in areas of i ...
References Chronic Poverty Research Centre (CPRC) (2008). The Chronic Poverty Report 2008- 9: Escaping Poverty Traps. Manchester ...
Can the MDGs Provide a Pathway to Social Justice? The Challenge of Intersecting Inequalities Naila Kabeer^10 he fundamental valu ...
The unequal pace of MDG progress and how it relates to children With five years to go, the world leaders have gathered together ...
Cultural inequalities: forms of discrimination and devaluation that treat members of these groups as of lesser status and wort ...
than in the eastern provinces: there were 12.5% underweight children in the former compared to 5.8% in the latter. Figure 2. Pre ...
the inequality front – many of the countries in Latin America with some of the most historically entrenched inequalities have ma ...
decisions that affect their lives can provide a strong bottom up pressure for more inclusive approaches to the MDGs. However, di ...
Rethinking Poverty Jomo Kwame Sundaram^11 ethinking Poverty Eradication The 2010 UNDESA Report on the World Social Situation see ...
Experience has shown that current conventional policy approaches to poverty eradication are insufficient and require serious r ...
of people living in extreme poverty dropped from 52.0 to 25.7 per cent during this period. Many analysts have noted shortcomings ...
economic crisis has served as a reminder that poverty is not an attribute of a fixed group, but rather a condition that all vuln ...
Countries that adopted stabilization measures and structural adjustment programmes generally experienced declines in average eco ...
Social policy focused on the determinants of asset and income inequality as well as poverty: Social policy and spending are ke ...
Combating Poverty and Inequality: Structural Change, Social Policy and Politics Sarah Cook^12 nterconnections among economic dev ...
Comprehensive social policies are essential for successful poverty reduction: For social policy to be effective as a transform ...
Persistence of poverty and inequality despite being high in the international development agenda Poverty reduction is a central ...
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