This low level of social protection coverage exists in part because building and expanding social protection systems is not with ...
Despite the challenges however, progress is both possible and necessary. In the face of the substantial evidence of the potentia ...
which brings together national governments, civil society partners and international organizations such as the ILO, WHO, UNICEF, ...
Countries that succeed in building a stronger social protection system in the current recovery period will be able in a better p ...
ILO and WHO (2009). The Social Protection Floor Initiative. Geneva: ILO. IMF country reports on Article IV consultations at http ...
UNICEF (2009). Child-Sensitive Social Protection. New York: UNICEF UNICEF (2010). A Recovery for All. New York: UNICEF. Vandermo ...
Social Protection for All – An Agenda for Pro Child Growth and Child Rights Timo Voipio^20 ocial Protection: High priority on al ...
the new ‘Flagship Report’ of the European development cooperation is entitled “Social Protection for Inclusive Development: A ne ...
imposing on poor countries – and on bilateral donors – through the Structural Adjustment Programmes of the 1980s and 1990s. The ...
generating activities today, knowing that if the venture fails, reliable last resort support will be available from social prote ...
poverty traps. So there are two intertwined rationales for child rights champions to engage actively in the national social prot ...
their own livelihoods, taking account of their role as current and future workers and parents. Role of UNICEF partners in social ...
References EU/AU Tripoli Declaration Nov 2010: European Report on Develop ...
Rising Food Prices and Children’s Welfare Nora Lustig^21 fter three consecutive decades of decline, world prices of food commodi ...
right approach: one of the worst types of redistribution is one in which some of the poor benefit at the expense of others who a ...
of the poor who get hurt. In addition, when food commodities prices increase, there is an opportunity to help poor net sellers t ...
and incomes; in general, studies show that the virtuous circle might take considerable time to manifest itself. In the short-run ...
social protection programs? Unfortunately, 19 (out of 49) low- income and 49 (out of 95) middle-income countries do not have saf ...
or small; and, even in the countries in which cash transfers programs are large and effective in addressing chronic poverty, the ...
improved seeds and fertilizers for crops, and to small animals; credit to purchase inputs; more land; and, technical assistance. ...
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