Figure 2. Global patterns of inequality over time, 1963-2002 Source: Kum (2008). In short, poverty remains a major challenge bec ...
The report does not dispute the importance of economic growth, but argues that it is the nature and pattern of growth that has c ...
Protection of civic rights, activism and political arrangements that ensure states are responsive to the needs of citizens and ...
employment. Structural change can have many trajectories: situations of stalled industrialization and dualistic labour markets a ...
economic policies that seek to eradicate poverty. Nor are there stages of development through which countries must inevitably pa ...
One of the emerging examples is child-centred cash transfer schemes. While these transfers are not meant to pay for care, many o ...
represent them, and pacts that are structured around issues of employment, welfare and growth. Democracies are able to deliver o ...
UNICEF, Economists and Economic Policy: Bringing children into development strategies Richard Jolly^13 rom as early as 1947, UNI ...
an interview to confess that when first given this request he didn’t see any connection between children and development. But sh ...
UNICEF’s next major encounter with economists came a decade or so later. By the late 1950s, UNICEF became convinced that childre ...
Both questions were recognized to be related to economic policies, going far beyond the traditional humanitarian approach to chi ...
the North were multiplied several fold in the repercussions affecting children in the South. By this stage, structural adjustmen ...
in some 70 individual countries. The IMF and perhaps the Bank too was impressed that UNICEF not only talked the talk of a differ ...
demonstrated their practical willingness. But the partnerships with donors and the donor commitments required for the package ne ...
macroeconomic and sector policies that guide national frameworks, and advocating for actions, budgets and investments that contr ...
the possibilities for policies that are inclusive and equitable. Again, history may provide some guidance on how UNICEF can effe ...
Cornia, G. A., Jolly, R. and F. Stewart (eds). (1988). Adjustment with a Human Face, Ten Country Case Studies. Volume II. Oxford ...
Child Poverty, Policy and Evidence: Mainstreaming Children in International Development Nicola Jones and Andy Sumner^17 ainstrea ...
processes vary across different country contexts; linkages between knowledge generation, policy, and power; and the use of evide ...
their agency (what they can do and be) at the centre of analysis. It is thus a means in itself of achieving a child-centred anal ...
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