Concepts of Programming Languages
600 Chapter 13 Concurrency could destroy the integrity of the data. Thus, tasks that are meant to control access to a shared dat ...
13.6 Ada Support for Concurrency 601 loop -- produce New_Value -- Buf_Task.Deposit(New_Value); end loop; end Producer; task body ...
602 Chapter 13 Concurrency When tasks are assigned priorities, those priorities are used by the task scheduler to determine whic ...
13.7 Java Threads 603 Next_In, Next_Out : Integer range 1..Bufsize := 1; end Buffer; protected body Buffer is entry Deposit(Item ...
604 Chapter 13 Concurrency threads (they run in their own address spaces).^5 One important result of this difference is that thr ...
13.7 Java Threads 605 When a Java application program begins execution, a new thread is created (in which the main method will r ...
606 Chapter 13 Concurrency prevent this, join can be called with a parameter, which is the time limit in milliseconds of how lon ...
13.7 Java Threads 607 When there are threads with different priorities, the scheduler’s behav- ior is controlled by those priori ...
608 Chapter 13 Concurrency prevents other synchronized methods from executing on the object during that time. A synchronized met ...
13.7 Java Threads 609 object has a wait list of all of the threads that have called wait on the object. The notify method is cal ...
610 Chapter 13 Concurrency public Queue(int size) { que = new int [size]; filled = 0; nextIn = 1; nextOut = 1; queSize = size; } ...
13.7 Java Threads 611 int new_item; while (true) { //-- Create a new_item buffer.deposit(new_item); } } } class Consumer extends ...
612 Chapter 13 Concurrency 13.7.6 Nonblocking Synchronization Java includes some classes for controlling accesses to certain var ...
13.8 C# Threads 613 explicit locks are used when it is not convenient to have the lock-unlock pairs block structured. Implicit l ...
614 Chapter 13 Concurrency 13.8.1 Basic Thread Operations Rather than just methods named run, as in Java, any C# method can run ...
13.8 C# Threads 615 threads are more interesting than actor threads because they usually interact with other threads and often m ...
616 Chapter 13 Concurrency the IAsyncResult interface defines the IsCompleted property. While the called thread is executing, th ...
13.8 C# Threads 617 If the code to be synchronized is in a private instance method, the token is the current object, so this is ...
618 Chapter 13 Concurrency tasks. The availability of the concurrent collection classes is another advantage C# has over the oth ...
13.9 Concurrency in Functional Languages 619 13.9.2 Concurrent ML Concurrent ML (CML) is an extension to ML that includes a form ...
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