Growing Food: A Guide to Food Production
Broad Bean (Horse Bean or Field Bean) Vicia faba (Syn. Faba vulgaris, Faba sativa, Vicia fava) Fava Bean, Faba Bean, Longpod, Pi ...
PLANTING Soil: Vicia faba plants like deep, heavy, well drained and fertile/well manured soil, with pH 6–7. They do not like aci ...
Rotation: broad beans can be a useful break crop between cereal crops, but only once every five years, to avoid build-up of Stem ...
Highly variable, according to variety, climate, cultural practice, etc. The UK average is about 3 MT/ha. 7 or 8 MT/ha is feasibl ...
the plants varies very much—some are semi-erect, with few branches, others are semi-spreading, with many branches. Chickpea flow ...
Growth period: most modern varieties mature in 115–125 days; older varieties, 185 days or more. Temperature: for germination, 15 ...
LIMITATIONS Cowpea Vigna unguiculata and other Vigna sp. Asparagus Pea or Bean, Black-eye (d) Pea or Bean, Bodi Bean, Catjang, C ...
— Bean, Pea Bean, Snake Bean (Australia), Dolique Geánt, etc, grown mainly for its green pods. Cowpeas were probably first domes ...
GROWTH CONDITIONS Day length: short-day, long-day and day-neutral types exist. Growth period: 90–240 days for grain is normal, t ...
Cowpea haulm is a useful animal food, containing 11–12% protein. When grown for hay, which is common in southern USA, the protei ...
A third type, Pisum arvense var. abyssinicum, is grown in northern Ethiopia and Eritrea. It has very sweet seeds, with a black h ...
Rotation: in general, peas should not be grown on the same land more often than every 3–5 years, to minimise the increase of soi ...
soybeans being so widespread. Russia and China together produce nearly 80% of the world production. rapidly become tough and los ...
The seed contains 35–55% oil, and groundnuts are often classified as an oilseed crop (like soybean) even though they belong to t ...
GROWTH CONDITIONS (Groundnuts) Day length: day-neutral. Growth period: from planting to dry pods, about 120–160 days for slower ...
UTILISATION which is present in large quantities in groundnut seed, could help to combat helps the body to produce macrophages t ...
Haricot beans are grown either for their green pods, when they are commonly known as French beans, or for their dried grain, whe ...
Seed rate: this varies greatly, according mainly to variety. Some examples, in kg/ha: Canadian Wonder 55–70, pole snap beans 22– ...
Other insects which have a taste for haricot beans include the corn seed maggot, green stink bug, spider mites, cutworms, armywo ...
can also be very variable according to the variety, growing conditions and storage conditions. Fortunately, Phaseolus species (a ...
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