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engineers. In addition, many benthic species are known to mediate competitive interactions between species, to influence larval ...
decrease in the rate of fluid passing over or through feeding structures. To counter this, many animals extend their bodies, or ...
the efficiency of energy acquisition and remove some of the restrictions on a maximum body size. Despite its potential to throw ...
Friedrichs, M., Graf, G. & Springer, B. (2000). Skimming flow over a simulated polychaete tube lawn at low population densit ...
Nowell, A. R. M. & Church, M. (1979). Turbulent flow in a depth-limited boundary layer. Journal of Geophysical Research, 84 ...
R. S. Wotton. Boca Raton: Lewis Publishers, pp. 205–234. Vogel, S. (1994).Life in Moving Fluids. Princeton, Princeton University ...
CHAPTER THREE Life histories and body size DAVID ATKINSON The University of Liverpool ANDREW G.HIRST British Antarctic Survey In ...
the same organizational structure (key elements, methodological issues, eco- logical applications). Understanding and predicting ...
reproductive value and plotting them to produce a fitness contour (e.g. Sibly & Atkinson, 1994 ). Trade-off curves can then ...
2005 ), also require the relationships of traits to fitness and of trade-offs among traits used in optimality modelling. However ...
empirical studies typically examines short-term evolutionary change among extant genotypes (Brommeret al., 2002). Therefore, aga ...
the absence of planktivorous fish, the mere presence of fish chemical cues (kairomones) can induce earlier maturity at smaller b ...
population increases has no effect on optimal age at maturity. In contrast, when maximizing localr, rapid population growth in t ...
Ecological applications of life-history analysis Fishing-induced evolution Life-history theory has mostly been used to predict b ...
identify a shift in maturation of northern codGadus morhuatowards earlier ages and smaller sizes preceding collapse of the fishe ...
Understanding relationships with temperature, and improving biomass estimates The widespread inverse relationships between tempe ...
Shifts in the community size spectrum, and impacts on ecosystem function Differences in life history among higher taxa such as g ...
function,trait value¼aMb, whereaandbare constants. Thus, log (trait value) plotted against logMgives a straight line with slopeb ...
Determining the effects of selection on scaling exponents The value of applying scaling laws to predict diverse ecological pheno ...
However, as different patterns of growth and mortality select different patterns of adult size and mass-specific metabolic rate, ...
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