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because copepods are neither going extinct nor taking over the world. The assumption of constant fecundity with age in copepods ...
correction to relate temperature to zero Kelvin, used in biochemical kinetics theory (Hochachka & Somero, 2002 )). They init ...
free-floating clumped masses, or attached to the substratum, have temperature- corrected hatch times that are on average3.3 tim ...
(community) consequences when altering predation rates (Gardmark, Dieckmann & Lundberg, 2003 ). On the other hand, the impor ...
Berrigan, D. & Charnov, E. L. (1994). Reaction norms for age and size at maturity in response to temperature: a puzzle for l ...
scaling of metabolic rate in animals. Biological Reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 80 , 611–662. Glazier, D. S. (2 ...
Law, R. (2000). Fishing, selection, and phenotypic evolution.ICES Journal of Marine Science, 57 , 659–668. Lessells, C. M. (1991 ...
by fish-kairomones.Functional Ecology, 14 , 455–459. Strathmann, R. R., Staver, J. M. & Hoffman, J. R. (2002). Risk and the ...
CHAPTER FOUR Relationship between biomass turnover and body size for stream communities ALEXANDER D.HURYN University of Alabama ...
Brown, Allen & Gillooly, this volume). This conceptual framework (i.e. the ‘metabolic theory of ecology’; Brownet al., 2004) ...
Prediction 2 Assuming that a population is at equilibrium density (i.e. N/M0.75), popula- tion biomass (B¼MN, mg dry mass or a ...
been studied in depth. What is also particularly significant, however, is the way production was estimated for each community. S ...
Sutton Stream and Stony Creek Sutton Stream and Stony Creek are moderate-gradient headwater streams in the Lammerlaw Range of th ...
between M and N, and M and P/B, using individual taxa rather than size classes. The purpose of this analysis was to assess the v ...
The scaling exponents for annual P/B versus M (summed taxa) ranged from 0.24 to0.27 (p<0.01) for Ball Creek, Sutton Stream ...
and those for Stony Creek and Sutton Stream fell within two SE, of the predicted slope of0.75. The scaling exponents for P/B ve ...
small body size (e.g. M< 25 mg DM) may range over several orders of magni- tude, there is little doubt that taxa within this ...
predicting scaling exponents (Cyr & Walker, 2004 ). For our analysis, we selected the recently formalized metabolic theory o ...
r^2 values ranging from 0.75 to 0.86. The close agreement shown for these scaling exponents with that predicted by metabolic the ...
value of the actual trophic efficiencies and the relative sizes of predator and prey, the relationship of both N and B vs. M may ...
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